Bouncing back after injury

I was in a car accident almost 2 years ago that caused me to fracture my skull (it was a minor fracture, no bleeding just a small air bubble that went away). At the time of the injury, I was dancing 5 days a week, on a swim team, playing soccer, and running a couple days a week. The injury happened at the beginning of summer so I took the time off to get better. Come September, my neurosurgeon had given me the okay to get back into my normal routine with sports and other physical activity. I tried to dance again and was going to start swimming again but decided against it for the year as my main event was backstroke and I would occasionally hit my head on the wall of the pool. It took me a few months to get back into routine with dance as I would get dizzy doing so many things and by the end of it I was so behind in the classes it started causing me major anxiety and I quit. Since then I have not been able to start up my old routine and activities. While I did start going to a gym back in December I still get scared trying new things that involve any sort of risk of injury. I'm trying to get over that fear and push myself to try things again, but its proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought, especially since so many things require practice and failure before you can perfect them.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? If so, how did you overcome it?


  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Start with one exercise and go slow at it for a few weeks. Build yourself back into it as it will take time, espically for things like dancing. It will be slow, but doing it slow and careful will help you get back to where you were and help you get over your fear of injury.