Getting married next year and need some support!!

I've gained all the weight I lost one when I used this before, and I struggle to make myself workout now! I mso out of shape! Feel free to add me!! Looking for tips on how to get back in shape and what I can do if I work a desk job!


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    FR sent! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! Would be happy to help you "shed before your wed" and hopefully keep it off with lifestyle changes (not just dieting). I work a desk job so don't use that as an excuse. You can find time for you even if it means before work (I get up at 445 every work day just to get my workout in). Even if it is only 20-30 minutes a day it is something. Diet is key and should be what you focus on keeping in check. Let me know if you need any help!
  • Tmr419
    Tmr419 Posts: 12 Member
    edited March 2016
    FR accepted!! Oh no, I don't use that as an excuse! Lol I'm simply just looking for thing s I can do to help with my weight loss goal while being at a desk through out the day! I usually workout whenever RI get home after work for about 30-45 minutes before I have to start dinner! Also I'm open to really great food and exercise tips. I haven't been really into working out in about a year so I'm starting all over again.
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    When is your wedding? Mine is April 13, 2017 and I just joined today. I have a LOFTY goal of losing 100 lbs before the wedding. I too have lost weigh in the past (70 lbs) and gained it back plus some! I keep a wedding dress as the screen saver on my phone so that I am reminded of the dress I want to wear. I also made the wallpaper on my work computer the wedding venue so I am reminded of where I am going to be standing in 13 months!
  • hdrj22078
    hdrj22078 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations! Everyone is different but I quit all beverages except water. I dropped 23 pounds in 2 months. I'm a stay at home mom so I used sworkit for my exercise cause I really didn't know what exercises were best. Good luck you can achieve anything you set your mind too.
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    Oh I bet I could drop a ton if I cut out alcohol. So hard though.
  • Tmr419
    Tmr419 Posts: 12 Member
    hdrj22078 wrote: »
    Congratulations! Everyone is different but I quit all beverages except water. I dropped 23 pounds in 2 months. I'm a stay at home mom so I used sworkit for my exercise cause I really didn't know what exercises were best. Good luck you can achieve anything you set your mind too.

    I downloaded sworkit the other day and I've been using that! I love it. I mainly drink water and sweet tea. Mainly cause I need some sort of caffeine cause I get really bad caffeine headaches lol.