New to MFP... Trying to Move Past a Plateau! Need Support!

Hey everyone. I'm an 18 year old college student and new to MFP. I spent my entire childhood struggling with an eating disorder and was obese for most of my life. I started trying to lose weight a little under a year ago. I weighed 230 pounds at that point (I'm a 5'8'' male). By March I had lost 50 pounds putting me at 180. I made some major dietary changes and the weight just rolled off. Unfortunately, I plateaued staying around 180 until June. In June I realized I need to make more changes if I wanted to lose more weight so I introduced exercise into the mix and I've lost about 5 pounds since then putting me at 175 pounds (only 4 pounds away from a healthy weight). I joined MFP to get the support I need as I try to work past this plateau toward my goal weight. I appreciate everyone's advice, supporting messages, and motivating stories on this website. Also, feel free to add me. I need friends!
