This is my first time trying something like this.

Hi All!
my name is JiII and i have decided to motivate myself to get to a more healthy place. exercise daily and eat a practical diet that will allow me to feel better and look more like the myself i have always known. i have two kids 5 and 6 who are very sport orientated and want to be able to have the energy to be active with them and set a healthy example to taking care of our bodies and its importance to be fit and healthy. im in my 30's so im not looking for a drastic unrealistic change just shred the little stuff and tone best i can. the rest of my adult family doesn't have great eating habits and am a little nervous to find the will power not to snack on a bag of chips at 9 at night .. since i waitress this is a possible common situation lol. but last night was my first test so to speak and i choose to have a big glass of ice water instead of snacking with hubby;-) nursing it so i had something ins my hand actually helped while he snacked lol !!one day at a time right! i could use any helpful meal ideas and quick on the go snack suggestions anyone might have too!!
this is my first time also logging my fitness and meals ever so bear with me if i sound a little silly:-)have great day everyone!


  • naches704
    naches704 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm in the same boat. I tried this for a couple days 2 years ago, but I gave up pretty much immediately. I'm trying not to repeat this mistake again by turning to others on here for accountability and motivation. I will be turning 30 this year and recently gained 10 pounds in 2 months when I switched to a sedentary job. Congrats on the healthy "snacking" with your husband! :) Frozen fruit is one of my favorite snacks. If you plan on eating it right away, it's too cold to eat quickly. I also put it in a Tupperware container to eat later as a snack or with breakfast (berries mostly). They are so juicy! There's usually a pool of fruit juice at the bottom I drink up or can mix with oatmeal. Good luck!
  • bal999
    bal999 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Bal I'm 47yrs old and I've been using MyFitnessPal for 38 days now to log my meals and exercise activity. I have succeeded in losing 7kg (15.5Ibs). I had a liver transplant 11yrs ago and although I've always been active and looked after myself I noticed my weight had increased from 84kg (185Ibs) to 91kg (200Ibs) due to being on medication. It didn't show as I'm 6'2" tall but I was feeling lazy and I wasn't as strong as i used to be. Now that I'm back down to 84Kg (185Ibs) I feel great, go to the gym 3x a week and eat healthy!
    I've stopped snacking and only eat healthy balanced meals and drink plenty of water, the MyFitnessPal app makes it easy, especailly as it keeps a record of what I have eaten and how many calories I have consumed in the day. My aim is to get down to 82Kg (180lbs) which I'm sure is achievable if I keep going as I am. I'm also going to run a 10Km run in June!. I wish everyone success in your goals to achieve your desired weight and fitness goals, Keep it up! :smiley: