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  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Haha you can borrow other people's T.

    And Mel are you sure you want her walking. Mine was an early Walker I guess cause it's his middle name haha. But means no rest ever haha
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    Awe T thats so friggen cute.
    Yeah Aly, i do..lol walking and talking.
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    I wanna spoil them, then send them home haha. I'd be ok for a few days at a time, I am getting old lol
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    I use to have my nephews all the time when they were younger.. i talk my eldest nephew when he was 5 to say mommy your a spazz. Never babysat again lol
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Lmao , something I'd do lol,
  • _still_pie_
    _still_pie_ Posts: 2 Member
    I found a new calorie counter but its harder to count them
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    Morning everyone. Mel, that's funny. Thats what aunts should do. Lol
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    Morning lisa. I know right my sister refuses to see the humor.. lol i taught my youngest nephew to moo.. so when she would ask him anything he would moo.. lol
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    That's perfect , I'd laugh every time haha, but I'm very childish haha
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    Lmao....see, that's funny right there. At least you teach him cute stuff. My sister cusses so much, Landon picked up on it when he was three and for about a year and a half cussed like a sailor like her. I had to break him of that.
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Still kinda cute , as an observer of course haha
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    She keeps asking to babysit stella, i cant allow that lol
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    edited July 2016
    She keeps asking to babysit stella, i cant allow that lol

    Deny the revenge lol
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    It could be at times, but not when the grandparents were around or in public. I had to break him before he went to school.
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    Could you imagine... if he started swearing in school.
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Haha as an outsider , still funny lol
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    Imagine what the teacher would have thought of me. Lol

    Awww...so now you won't let her watch Stella huh? Afraid of what she might teach her? That's no fair. Lol
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Good morning! I see that a lot if you wake up too early on a Sunday. I'm on my way to work. I hope that none of you have to work today and have a fun day!
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Too bad you have to go to work....enjoy and have a great day
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    Morning Pam. Sorry you're working, but hope you have a good day.