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  • LaMartian
    LaMartian Posts: 478 Member
    It just started pouring outside.
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    trust me...tom dancing isn't really anything anyone wants to see.

    Well, show us and let me and Laura be the judge of that. ;)
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    trust me...tom dancing isn't really anything anyone wants to see.

    I do I do!!! What were you wearing?

    Velcro pants *giggles*
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    J383 wrote: »
    J383 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    *puts his Velcro pants back on* humpf!

    *Mocks your Velcro pants and runs away laughing*

    hey..thats what the Chimpndorks wear!

    Never been to a male review. Yuck. If I want sausage swinging in my face I'll go the local pizzeria. :D

    Wait? They do it there...let's go?!

    Lol it's a date!

    Yay!! First date I've had in a long time. :p

    I would date you so hard!

    Wait! Did you just say so hard? Ha...love it! :)
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    Laura!!! Yay!
  • LaMartian
    LaMartian Posts: 478 Member
    Laura is underneath the Velcro pants?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    off to buy the weekend booze!!! :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    and marshmallows cause some dufus *cough* @nitroalley *cough* posted a pic of his rice krispie treat
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    LaMartian wrote: »
    Laura is underneath the Velcro pants?

    Ahhhh impeccable timing...I'm so awkward sometimes I swear!
  • nitroalley
    nitroalley Posts: 3,599 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    and marshmallows cause some dufus *cough* @nitroalley *cough* posted a pic of his rice krispie treat

    I resemble that!
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    nitroalley wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    and marshmallows cause some dufus *cough* @nitroalley *cough* posted a pic of his rice krispie treat

    I resemble that!

    I know and you're taking the blame
    I should make you wash the dishes after i've made them that's a pain in the butt
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    It was a bedazzled man thong wasn't it! I miss all the good stuff damn it!!

    i need all the bling i can get in that region to distract attention from whats lacking
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    J383 wrote: »
    J383 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    *puts his Velcro pants back on* humpf!

    *Mocks your Velcro pants and runs away laughing*

    hey..thats what the Chimpndorks wear!

    Never been to a male review. Yuck. If I want sausage swinging in my face I'll go the local pizzeria. :D

    Wait? They do it there...let's go?!

    Lol it's a date!

    Yay!! First date I've had in a long time. :p

    I would date you so hard!

    Oohh I got chills....so hard :D
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    LaMartian wrote: »
    Laura is underneath the Velcro pants?

    OMG!!! I am?!!!!! How'd he get me in his pants?

    He charmed you in. You never had a chance. :)
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    LaMartian wrote: »
    Laura is underneath the Velcro pants?

    OMG!!! I am?!!!!! How'd he get me in his pants?

    speaking of so har..........nvmnd