How long after exercising to eat...

I have heard once that you should wait an hour before eating after exercising but was wondering anyones thoughts on this. Usually I exercise in the early AM and eat a bite once I get to work which is usually about 2 hours later but on the days that I know I'm not going to be able to get breakfast in I eat within 30 minutes of my exercise while still at home and this morning was thinking, am I helping or hurting myself by eating an english muffin with egg so soon after moving my bootie.

Any advice on this one??


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It shouldn't matter. You immediately need protein to repair your muscles so I try to eat as soon after as I can. When I strength train, I'll do my protein shake right after, then shower, and when I get out, my food (which is half protein, half veggies, SOMETIMES a starch/carb) is ready so I have a meal about 20-30 minutes after I've worked out.

    In the morning, if I run... it's usually about an hour after I've worked out because I'm showering, getting ready for work, then eat AT work.

    I've heard don't eat any later than 1 1/2 hours after you work out, so I would say as soon as possible. Hope this helps!
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    I eat a banana before I walk/run and than eat the rest of my breakfast right after. Every day. Been working great for me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    after makes no difference unless you're talking about resistance exercise and in that case, a protein/carb combo is good immediately after.

    It's before you should be concerned with, you should have a carb (moderate carb) about 1.5 to 2 hours before moderate to heavy cardio, longer is ok (within reason), but shorter won't do you much good and may cause cramping.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    IMO, it's best to have somethin 2 either drink and/or eat within the hr after u exercise. most ppl like myself have a recovery drink.

    my recovery drink is chocolate milk (ovaltine with almond milk)

    if u compare it gives approximately the same as goin 2 the vitamin stores but more cost effective (sista is on a budget lol)

    so that's what i do. just drink a chocolate milk & i'm all good :smile:
  • ang696
    ang696 Posts: 38 Member
    Agree completely with arielle0489. I've asked personal trainers their opinion and they you can (and maybe should) eat something right after your workout - a protein shake or no-sugar healthy snack work best for me (I'm on a low glycemic diet).

    They also say you shouldn't eat about 45 minutes before a workout, and I've had one trainer tell me that it's best to eat something the SECOND you wake up, before even going to the bathroom. Even if it's something small like a couple grapes or blueberries, the earlier you get your metabolism going the better. Just some food for thought :) Best of luck on your journey and mine!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I usually eat something after working out. On weeknights, I usually go home and eat (lean protein & veggies with little or no carbs, because it is usually 8/9PM) within 30 mins of working out. On the weekends, I work out in the morning, I tend to stay longer, take a sauna, shower, etc and the first time I made the mistake of waiting an hour after working out to eat anything (only had water) and I had worked out hard. I was FAMISHED and wanted to eat anything & everything (not good!). Now I'm smarter and I bring a little snack of almonds or something for afterwards to ward off that famished feeling.

    So, I try to be 'smart' in my post-workout choices and listen to my body. If your body is saying it's hungry- then eat!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to eat some kind of protein before I exercise or my workout really starts to suffer after about 30 minutes of intense cardio. If I'm exercising in the morning, I eat a hard boiled egg or some greek yogurt about 20-30 minutes before (in the evening, it's yogurt or a nutrition bar or an apple & pb, etc about 30 minutes before). It seems to get into my system just in time to let me sustain a high intensity cardio workout for 60-90 minutes instead of starting to feel drained after 30 minutes which is what happens if I don't eat beforehand. For my longer workouts, after 60-90 minutes of cardio I work on strength training for about 30 minutes so I normally drink a proteiny deal immediatly after working out.
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input! I'm getting up at 5 and going straight downstairs to exercise so no eating prior (like I probably should) but glad to know I'm not hurting myself for eating something right after!
