help iv lost motivation

I have lost about 9ks and it's been great to know that all my clothes fit me now and some are baggy but These are the following issues I'm having:
1) I lack motivation to go jogging
2) I crave chocolate biscuits everyday and I end up buying them
3) I'm always looking for something to eat when I'm bored even when I'm not hungry
4) I feel so fat. I'm desperate to lose weight but I can't keep to eating the right foods
What can I do to regain my strength and keep pushing to reach my goal??


  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    It sounds like you are doing a great job already, congrats! You shouldn't feel down on yourself at all.

    1) If you don't go jogging, so what? Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss. If you want to exercise for health but can't get the motivation to jog, what about going for a walk or finding some other exercise that you enjoy? There are also tons of online resources. There are dancing videos on YouTube, lots of exercises on Fitness Blender, etc.

    2) If chocolate biscuits fit into your calorie goal, why not have them? You say you are losing weight, and from your post we can assume you've already lost that weight eating the biscuits. If you want to keep eating the biscuits, just make sure they fit in your calories.

    3) It's a habit that a lot of us have to break. For me, I just try to keep myself busy with other things. I very rarely sit down to watch any TV for example, instead I'm doing what needs to be done around the house. I wait to watch TV until I'm getting ready for bed and after I've already brushed my teeth and at that point, I don't want to eat anything.

    4) What do you mean by the "right" foods? You've already lost weight eating what we can assume things you consider to be the "wrong" foods. You can eat whatever you want and lose weight as long as you are consuming less calories than you burn. For health purposes you might not want to live on a diet of fried chicken, but if your only goal is the lose weight then you could absolutely lose on fried chicken as long as you count the calories and keep them within goal. For health reasons if you want to eat better, only you are going to be able to motivate yourself to do that. Maybe try to incorporate the healthy foods you already like into your diet and perhaps spend some time online looking for recipes to try that might make it easier to eat more of those healthy foods and to try additional foods that you might not otherwise try.

    Good luck!!