Lost 17 pounds in 11 days.

Booyahh. Started a liquid diet last monday and Im down 17 pounds and counting! It consists for 800 calerios in protein shakes and fl oz of water a day. The first few days I'll admit I cried lol. But yesterday I had one shake and water all day and didn't even realize. Grant it Im 100 lbs over what dr says i should weigh but I'm 79 lbs from my personal goal weight. I feel great too. Today I ran from my car back to my house. Sounds stupid but before i would have died lol. And I walked to work today like 2 miles wasn't breathing hard ot anything. It feels amazing. God bless thanks for reading


  • juststr8classe
    juststr8classe Posts: 18 Member
    This is so great!! Can u share what the liquid diet consists of? I'm 100 lbs over what my doctor says I should be too and although I never want to get as small as what they say I should be, I still need to lose like 70lbs so if I could detox or drop at least 15 lbs real quick, I'd be super happy. I'm prepared to cry and be cranky but I know it's for the best!!

    And good for you!! Keep it up!!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    You're only consuming 800 calories? Unless your doctor is monitoring what you're doing, this is not a good idea.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Yeah you! Now remember, that's a temporary way of living and losing weight, so pretty soon you'll have to raise your calories to your maintenance level, just don't overshoot it.
  • sharielaylay95
    sharielaylay95 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey. Its just 800 cals in protein shakes a day. And 64 fl oz of water a day. I'll admit though i don't intake 800 cals a day. I usually just have 2 shakes (I use coco protein drinks -pinacolada flavor, cause I Cant stand regular protein drinks ughhh. ) they are about 130 cals each and drink water. With that being said I am on a medication that suppresses that appetiate (not its job but it does that too) so u probally will want to do all 800 cals a day cause u might be starving. The meds Im on just make me not feel hungry at all sometimes idk why. But i know u can do it.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Part of this journey is learning how to maintain for a lifetime. Dropping an large amount of weight in such a short period doesn't give you the opportunity to learn about calorie counting and making good food choices. What happens when you start eating? Even on the biggest loser there's a medical staff (that you never see) monitoring what those folks are doing. It's for a reason
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

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