Gall Bladder Removal and Weightloss



  • dmack073082
    dmack073082 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been struggling with my weight for years, but I am finally getting close to my goal ( currently only 18.5lbs away yay!) But after recent tests/ doc visits my GI doctor told me that I need to have my Gallbladder removed, instantly I freaked and starting going on YouTube and watching recovery videos and reading forums. I have read a mixture of results from weight loss to weight gain and no change at all.

    I was just wondering if any of you on MFP have had yours removed, if so long were you out of work? How long until you could exercise again? Any noticeable weight loss/ weight gain?

    thanks in Advance

    I was out for 5 days. You will lose weight because they will tell you need eat and drink mostly liquids for a few days. You can do cardio, but the doctor will tell you to gradually ease into it. I was not allowed to lift weights for 8 weeks.