Success in varying calories

I have posted a few times about how I have put on 3-5 lbs since November that I cannot get rid of, and I've tried several things and can't lose it and keep it off.

I was easily maintaining 132 pounds on the dot, not exercising, and eating plenty. I was still religiously logging my food, and I have peeked back and saw I was eating quite a bit more than I have been since I put on a few. I was eating on some days 500 calories more than now. I did notice one calories seemed to vary widely day to day. Some days I would have 1600 and others 2500. I had zero problem maintaining.

Fast forward, and I'm exercising regularly and still weighing my food, logging it all, and I'm always under goal. The thing is, I'm eating within 100 calories of the same amount every day (1850-1900). On a weekend I may go over that a tiny bit but never drastically. My weight seems all over the place...I'm up 2 lbs since yesterday.

I know weight will fluctuate, but these lbs have been here for 4 months. I've tried cutting back to about 1500-1600 and nothing budged. I know it's just a few lbs, but what gives?

I've read that our bodies adapt if we eat the same amount and have the same activity levels day in and day out. Has anyone found success in varying your calories vs eating the same amount?


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2016
    First off, you can't expect to be 132lbs on the dot every single day...weight fluctuates for lots of reasons. Give yourself a goal range of say +/- 5lbs.
    Its the overall weekly total that matters so low days and high days all balance out. Thats what a lot of us do, I am inclined to eat more at weekends, around 2300-2500 cals so during the week I eat around 1800-1900 and I maintain my goal range easily.

    Are you still being accurate in your food logging? and how about your exercise calories, could you be over estimating those too?

    It looks like you have been eating slightly above TDEE hence the small gain, but its nothing to fret about. Tighten logging up again and all will be fine :smile:

    Yes, our bodies get used to same exercise and don't burn as many cals as they once did but exercise is still very effective and still burns calories, plus there's the sense of well being and good fitness that we get from consistently being active :smile: .

    When I used to see gains like you are I cut my deficit slightly and tried some interval training again to mix things up. But the weight is mostly about what you eat than what you burn.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    It isn't really fluctuating much, thats how I know it's a true gain. I haven't went below 134 since November. I fluctuate between 134-138 now...mostly 136. I know everyone automatically says well you must not be logging as accurately as you were, but I am...if not more obsessive with it. I literally do not take a single bite of food here or there, and I seriously log every single piece of chewing gum. I still weigh all my food. So unless I'm sleep eating, it's not that. Seriously. The only things that have changed it that I now eat the same caloric amount of food daily and really do not vary that much at all, I exercise, and I am on a new birth control (which I blame but the doctor says it's impossible). I just wonder if my metabolism has adapted over time. My clothes still fit good, so I guess I shouldn't obsess so much over a number on the scale. Maybe I just need a new scale? Lol
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2016
    It could be the new pill? some people do find they are inclined to gain when on oral contraceptives.
    I'm glad you're not obsessing over this, I would suggest you keep an eye on it and see how it goes. If in another month you see that you are still same weight then you can adjust your intake down a little.

    It took me a longggg time to lose my last 5-7lbs and I was stuck for ages at 136-138, I felt my body didn't want to see me get any lower! But when I looked at what and how I was eating more closely, I found that I was eating a little bit more in snacks without hardly realising, my snacks are inclined to be chocolate themed! Extra sugar I think contributed to me being 'stuck', once I tightened up and cut out that night time snack all was well and gradually I lost the 5lbs. (It did take me 5 months though!). I do think the quality of our calories is important, the sugar/carbs mean I am inclined to retain water weight. I know everyone is different so I'm just telling you how it went for me.

    And I'm not against sugar, I just personally need to watch I don't over do it :smile: (and instead of two chocolate snacks a day, I have one)

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I've had a similar problem after maintaining 4 years. I went back and recalculated my numbers and found that I'd been dropped 30+ calories just because I'm older. So that may be part of it.

    I also know that if my carbs creep over 40-50% I can't lose no matter what my calories. So if I work to up my protein and fat I do fine.

    And I just put myself on a 500 calorie deficit. And it's working like it did before - I've lost 2 pounds in a week. So I should be back in the zone in another one or two. Same thing happened last spring, for the same inexplicable reason. This time I'm going to go all the down to the bottom of my maintenance range (8 pounds to go - I'm probably taller than you) and go back into maintenance like I did before - upping 250 calories and seeing what maintenance actually is.

    We change over time. I ate about the same - probably a lot less - from the time I was 20-50. But after 40 I gained a pound or two a year. That's pretty typical. And it adds up. It's just slowing metabolism. Easily dropped back down when I adjusted my intake. But it looks like I'll have to keep doing that to stay here forever. Which I intend to.