Feeding 5 on a budget!

clmarlar Posts: 26 Member
Please throw me some recipes that are healthy yet cheap. Times are hard. Struggle is real. But I want to keep it healthy without opting out for the cheaper less health stuff. RECIPES RECIPES RECIPES please ;) xoxo


  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I'm a big fan of Budget Bytes.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Look into Freezer Meal cooking - you can buy things in bulk, pre-cook, and freeze in a ziploc bag. Not sure what you mean by "healthy." If by healthy you mean organic / non gmo /health food store type foods - that will be a challenge on a budget.

    If by healthy you simply mean ordinary nutritious food - it can most definitely be done. I buy meat when it's on sale - boneless skinless chicken breast, chicken thighs, and hamburger meat are my favorite cause you can do SO much with them.

    Try these:


    Also - chicken thighs w/ barbecue sauce, with baked potatoes & a salad (or baby carrots if your kids won't eat salad)
    Home made mild chili with a lot of beans - cheap N yummy
    Chicken tacos
    Beef tacos

    If you are the only one watching your weight / calories, then you just eat what everyone else is eating, only have more veggies / salad and less of the higher calorie foods / less bread, etc.
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    I'm also a big fan of Budget Bytes, and this free cookbook:
