My calories are low? Is it okay to increase carbs for a day?

I'm doing a low carb diet right now, and although I like to stay under 25 grams of carbs per day, but I've had a pretty busy day so I won't be able to each much until dinner. I tried to plan it out, but I'm in college and I can only eat what's going to be available in the dining hall tonight. My diet is pretty limited, so I'm trying to find ways to increase my calories while staying at my macros. Should I just be okay with going over my carb limit for today so that I can get more calories in or should I just take a loss for today and try not to be so busy next time?

My daily calorie goal is 1200, but I've only gotten about 500 so far.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You will survive. You might move yourself out of ketosis, but you do know how to get back in.