How to progress through the weekend without binge eating

Today, I was good until I bought ice cream bars and fudgesicles. I ate through 2 boxes of ice cream sandwiches and 1 box of ice cream popsicles within binges for the past week. I bought it to compensate for the gluttony i did as my other family members had none of it. I binged over 2500-4000 cal for a week and a bit, and i cannot stop. I'm speaking to a therapist but it isn't working. tomorrow i have to go up north to my aunts cottage for the long weekend and were going to celebrate my birthday, plus theres going to be a lot of snack foods, turkey, fattening foods which will be hard to resist. i can't resist the slice of cake, but i know i won't binge eat at the cottage as i will always be around people, but i just want to eat healthily after what i did to my body everyday. i feel like I'm getting fat i feel pains all over my body my face feels fatter. i need help on how to start tomorrow binge free. should i still incorporate a slice of cake if it fits in my caloric intake? or no because I've been binging too much on sugar for the past week and a bit! I'm so confused which makes me binge more. I'm not sad or anything i just am addicted to ice cream snadwiches/ popsicles/cookies/cake


  • alybran
    alybran Posts: 199 Member
    I periodically binge too to the point of eating whole bags of Doritos and whole tubs of ice cream in a matter of days... it sucks, but honestly cutting that stuff completely out is the worst you can do. Your cravings will get worse and it'll get harder to resist. Definitely include some sweets in your caloric intake to help satisfy those cravings so you don't end up overdoing it! Good luck