Whole 30 and Determined . join me

VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
Hi all, I used MFP a few years ago with great results by eating sensibly and hitting the gym. After slacking off I have gained 25lbs and just don't feel good. I heard about whole 30. It's not a diet. You just eat veggies, fruit and protein.
I started last Wednesday and already feel better, sleep better and have lost weight.
I only have 21 more days to go. I decided to add MFP to the program to track my nutrition. Join me. Trust me, if I can do this you can too.
I slipped up today and had beer with dinner. Oops. No problem. Having a drink with my wife after work was more important. I didn't even remember that I couldn't have beer. I'll walk extra tomorrow. We've got this my friends.