
Hey all, anyone else struggle with insomnia, I get around 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night on average, some nights I can stay awake all night and the longest I've gone without sleep is 3 days. Ergh!

I'm still doing my 1000 calories a day on my X trainer / exercise bike but it's getting to the point Ifeel that weak and shaky that I just feel like I could pass out..

Also not sleeping plays havoc with my diet and I tend to only eat once a day (if I even remember) some days I can just survive on tea and autopilot. any tips?


  • cheer4beer
    cheer4beer Posts: 22 Member
    Insomnia is the worst. I got in a bad rut last year where I would go 2 or 3 days at a time without sleep, so I know what you're feeling. At the time, I was into going to the gym just about every day, thinking that surely if I worked out harder, I would be so tired that night that sleep wouldn't be a problem but nope. It was hell. I took some time off from the gym and kind of "reset" myself for a few weeks and things finally got back to normal. I've always had it come and go but this bout lasted about half of the year.
    I still have periodic bursts of insomnia and probably always will. Sounds like your cals are too low. Maybe up those and take a break from the cardio for a few days and see if that helps.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Do you take anything for it?
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    I take food for it. If I'm dieting and I can't sleep, especially if I'm doing a lot of cardio (1000 calories is a lot on a trainer) with an aggressive calorie deficit, for me at least, that's a sign that I'm pushing too hard. Sleep is critical for recovery from exercise and can raise cortisol levels. Have a midnight snack, something with a little protein and some carbs. Do a little less cardio or raise your daily calorie target a little.
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    I have struggled with insomnia for years. 6 years ago my doctor prescribed zopiclone, a wonder drug i.e. non-addictive, non-narcotic, no hangover etc. Guaranteed me at least 5 hours, but I knew pretty quick that I have developed a dependence, cannot sleep without it. So, old doc retired and I have a new one. He was shocked that I've been on this drug so long, says there are all sorts of studies now that show a lot of problems with prolonged use and now they say it should only be used for 5 to 7 says.....not years. So....he wants to send me to a cognitive behavioural group for insomniacs and take away my pills........I'm scared!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Elevate to 1200 cals. Keep carbs under 100 grams/day. Take 1 ea 100mg Theonine 30 mins before bedtime. :)
  • ccjlgrider
    ccjlgrider Posts: 49 Member
    Bad insomnia for 12 years. Then got put on amitriptyline for migraines. I sleep like a baby every night and wake up well rested. I do have to get 9, yep NINE, hours a night to feel well rested.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    I am hypersensitive to caffeine.
    Any chocolate after 3pm? Any diet cokes?
    Do you take a multivitamin? It can contain magnesium which can help.
    * A multivitamin will not give you cancer like some people state on here.
  • Spuffz
    Spuffz Posts: 49 Member
    Hey all, sorry for late reply, been doing DIY and gardening over 3000 calories burnt yesterday! (Landscaping, I ache like hell today)

    I've had zopiclone before, all that happened was my body fought against it so I was awake til 4am and then absolutely knackered at work the next day, currently trying circadin - and it's hit and miss some nights nothing, others I get 5/6 hours but when I do get the sleep in, I wake up on the war path, so angry, picking fights and just overly angry about everything. I can't win. Lol.

    Nope no chocolate at all and no diet coke, only drink tea, water or kia ora at the moment.

    It is driving me insane and my bloke don't really understand there is nothing worse than being wide awake and exhausted whilst the rest of the house sleeps, it's such a lonely and frustrating feeling.

    Add me if you like people :-)