Third week. Why is this getting so much harder?



  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    @Minmoink to be honest it changes day to day. Generally, I've had a problem with starving and skipping meals during the day and just coming home and eating constantly, so I've tried to make an effort to eat more in the beginning of the day. Ive found that it's easier for me to stick to my calorie budget when i eat breakfast and a small lunch as opposed to skipping breakfast and having a normal lunch.

    Like today I was really in the mood for a giant bowl of brothy pho and some raw veggies, so that's what I had for dinner. But then those rice noodles are oh so tempting. Sometimes I like more calorie dense food. It changes day to day.

  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    To be honest it sounds to me like your doing great
  • campdawson
    campdawson Posts: 69 Member
    I remember experiencing similar hunger pangs when I began this journey because I had been overeating for so long. It worked out though, just stay diligent and all will be well. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks all! Well my weigh in is Friday morning. If I lost, then I'm just going to set it for 1.5 pounds a week and put a bigger focus on exercising so I can eat a bit more and stay within my calorie allottment. If I didn't, then I'm going to ease off and put it at 1 pound a week and also exercise more, because I think that will be easier to maintain without making me want to binge.
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    It does sound like you are doing the right things but if you find yourself eating and eating (binging?) try to reevaluate what you eat and how hungry you truly are while your eating. Always stay hydrated too and wait at least 20mins after a balanced meal to see if you are full. Oh and brush your teeth after you're done eating your meal :) I say that because it helps if you find yourself eating more after you've finished.
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    I have no "science" to back this up, but I think every now and then our bodies send out hunger signals. The brain would really like to get back to your original set point. Then its a game of tug of war. When I am doing all the right things and I feel like this....I just keep on until it goes away. And it will go away. :D
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    It's harder because you haven't yet adapted to the behavior you need to lose/maintain weight. You're likely still wishing you could indulge in much more than you are now. It's not uncommon, but realize you do have to change the old behavior or else you'll regain all your weight back.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ya know, there are just some hungry times when starting out. If it were me, I'd set my goal to "lose one pound" and then stick to it. I know that is enough calories, it's just psychological for me. Sure - I'd love to be able to eat all the food, but I can't do that every day if my goal is weight loss. I'd also like to tell off my nosy neighbor and I'd like to have six dogs. I can, but it's not a good idea. I have choices to make, and consequences of those choices. So I have to do the next right thing, keep within my calories and carry on.

    I have to agree with hamelle2 here, too:
    Then its a game of tug of war. When I am doing all the right things and I feel like this....I just keep on until it goes away. And it will go away

    It does pass. You can live on the calories allotted. It does take time to adjust, both physiologically and psychologically.
  • overw8gosk8
    overw8gosk8 Posts: 457 Member
    edited March 2016
    ^^ true

    The hardest thing is patience and the wrapping your head around weightloss. It takes a while to adapt and adjust to change. For some it's super easy and other people resist change. Start with the mental block of why you gained weight in the first place. Once your head is in the right place, everything else falls in line. :)
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    Thank you all. Well when I think about previous efforts to gain weight and why they failed, it was really because the first time I "broke" my disciplined eating and ate a lot I just gave up. I stopped tracking.

    This time, however, I'm realizing when I "binged" I was still eating below maintenance. Yes, it was only 90 calories below maintenance, but at least I wasn't undoing the calorie deficit of the previous 12 days. Maybe it just feels like a binge because my serving sizes have been so much smaller lately.

    The other thing is, I've never been a binger. I gained weight by consistently eating just a tiny bit more than I need to at every meal.

    Anyway, definitely feeling a bit more positive about it today. First two weeks really were a breeze though :) I kept thinking "wtf, is it really this easy? Why didn't I do this earlier?" So I'm actually kind of glad that I hit my wall and kept on going and am still losing (albeit slower than I want). I think as long as I remain positive and remember it's calories over time - not a single meal every couple weeks where I had two servings - I'll be able to stay focused on the finish line.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    sounds like you are ready this time. There will be setbacks, just don't let them get you down and keep looking at the downward trend.