Exercise and Periods. How do you handle?

Ladies I have a question.... When your on your monthly period do you workout? I can't. My periods are super heavy, super bad cramps to the point where I get nausea and cold sweats. I don't even know how I'll be able to workout when that day comes. I get mines the 24th.


  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I take Tylenol and workout.

    It make the cramps better. You should try it
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I agree- it makes the cramps less intense.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Working out actually makes my cramps feel SO MUCH better. It sucks getting up and dressed... and mentally prepared. But once you're done you will feel amazing. Take midol and give it a shot.
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    My experience is that it really does help lessen the cramps if I do cardio to the point that I will sometimes do an extra 20 min session on the treadmill at night just for relief!
  • dngoins
    dngoins Posts: 20
    That is usually the time of the month that I give up on the whole diet thing, but this time I took my motrin and sucked it up and exercised. Believe it or not I felt better after i exercised than before :)
  • AspiringPinkPinUp
    My doc advised me to take two aleve in the morning and night starting day one of my period to help with cramping and all the blood loss. Let me tell you, I pop two in the AM that I start spotting and my cycles are much easier to deal with! And working out helps my cramps/back ache be less intense.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At the risk of sounding like a tampon commercial, I did Warrior Dash during my period. My first 10k, too. It's going to keep coming. You can't put your life on hold every month.

    If it's *that bad* that it immobilizes you for days, see a doctor.
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    Know that women don't all experience periods the same way. Sometimes women who have it easier don't understand the women who have extreme pain, they think we are exaggerating and tell us to just "suck it up."

    I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and the pain can be extreme. I do not work out on these days. I put it in my calendar and know that it's a planned break, every months for 2-3 days. I try to work out extra before and after.

    (edited to add that I have seen doctors on multiple occasions and the solutions are not simple. They tell me to take a tons of drugs for the pain, and they just "keep an eye on things" in case surgery is needed at some point. Surgery is not needed right now, so... yes, I do put my life on hold every month. I just try to view it as a rest. I drink a lot of water, and... just try to make it through)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm on mine right now and I just push myself to the limit. I use my Lunette most of the time, but when I workout during the really heavy parts of my period, I wear a super tampon with a winged maxi-pad just in case. I usually only have to do this for 1 day (maybe 2 depending on when my period started). I'll also take some pain meds if I get really bad cramps. I actually feel BETTER after working out not only because my symptoms go down, but I feel proud that I didn't let anything stop me from getting my cardio in. I'm trying ti psych myself up right now since I'm on the 2nd day (my heaviest). But I'm procrastinating right now. Gotta get up!
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Right now .. I don't. This round is unbearable. I managed strength training and
    a limited amount of aerobics .. I think no 2 wmn are just alike and no 2Toms are
    just alike. Some of them I am unstoppable but days like today .. yeah. lol
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Know that women don't all experience periods the same way. Sometimes women who have it easier don't understand the women who have extreme pain, they think we are exaggerating and tell us to just "suck it up."

    That's why I'm saying "see a doctor."

    I used to bleed like a stuck pig and be doubled over in pain. Getting on BC helped that. For a time, it was worth the negative side effects of Depo to avoid the whole shebang. If it is endometriosis or PCOS, it's best to know.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Know that women don't all experience periods the same way. Sometimes women who have it easier don't understand the women who have extreme pain, they think we are exaggerating and tell us to just "suck it up."

    I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and the pain can be extreme. I do not work out on these days. I put it in my calendar and know that it's a planned break, every months for 2-3 days. I try to work out extra before and after.

    (edited to add that I have seen doctors on multiple occasions and the solutions are not simple. They tell me to take a tons of drugs for the pain, and they just "keep an eye on things" in case surgery is needed at some point. Surgery is not needed right now, so... yes, I do put my life on hold every month. I just try to view it as a rest. I drink a lot of water, and... just try to make it through)

    ^^^ I agree. With both endo AND PCOS, some months are much worse than others. I like to TRY to at least do a 30 min walk but as long as you're doing well the rest of the month, a few rest days is absolutely ok. Just go month by month, some may be worse than others. I just did a quarter marathon on my last cycle, but the month before that I couldnt even go to work one day. Listen to your body, but dont be afraid to push yourself a tiny bit.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I usually have 1-2 heavy, miserable, crampy & yucky days and I just do not exercise then - beyond house cleaning or a mile walk. A lot of times it seems to fall on the weekend and my fiance and I will go to flea markets or thrift stores, so I'm walking all day but not anything strenous. THAT helps. But for me, super ambitious exercise makes it worse and I feel worse if I get all sweaty during that time.

    The rest of my period, I'm good to go with whatever exercise I normally do.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I'm on BC so it comes 5days into my 7day break days 4-7(+2days) I will be dying and pop nurofen like there skittles....anyone tell me to workout will be left to keel over....I tried it and I'm pretty sure I nearly found myself standing by the gates of heaven
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I take it one day at a time: if I feel oke I will try and do a workout, if not then I dont. But I normally just try and find something else to do, like maybe some arm workouts that dont require me to walk or do anything intense. It just depends on the day really. Somtimes I just spend the day in bed with painkillers, others I can do a 30 minute run without a problem.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    One thing I found that was really helpful for me on those horrible period days was doing yoga. I even found yoga sequences on youtube that are ment for your period. It helped a lot and made me feel a lot better.

    I found it to be a nice option to get some exercise in despite feeling horrible. But other than that I would normally do my usual work out routine.
  • ElizaJay143
    ElizaJay143 Posts: 52 Member
    If the pain's that bad you should see a doctor. Seriously, I started taking Toradol injections during my cycle and I'm a whole new woman!

    Once you get your symptoms under control, vigorous exercise actually lowers estrogen levels and reduces discomfort.

    As odd as it sounds, regular exercise will actually HELP with what's going on.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Ladies I have a question.... When your on your monthly period do you workout? I can't. My periods are super heavy, super bad cramps to the point where I get nausea and cold sweats. I don't even know how I'll be able to workout when that day comes. I get mines the 24th.

    Oh boy... my cramps are from hell. Most of the time, I get a warning before it comes, and take 4 ibuprofens so its not so bad. Then again, on rare occasions I dont catch it and I'm crying and moaning all day. My periods are also super heavy. However, none of this stops me from working out. If I need to I stick a tampon in and wear a heavy duty pad before my exercises.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Ok, mine will be a little tmi, but i flow heavily for 6 days, with 18 days between each. I still run, dance, and weight lift. There are times when my iron levels are low (anemia) but I still push.

    If you feel okay to work out, then go for it, if not, then you alone are the one that can make the call.

    My doctors feel mine is normal.
  • sgrant918
    sgrant918 Posts: 10 Member
    I have endometriosis and know what you mean by painful periods. I've had surgery to remove some of the scarring and also did a round of lupron. Excercise (mild) does help with the cramps --it's mind over matter to make yourself do it, though. Also, for those with endo/PCOS - look into Vitex (aka: Chaste Berry) supplements -- that did the best thing for me to regulate my periods and help with some of those symptoms and it's over the counter and very inexpensive ($6-$7 for a 60 day supply). Might give it a try! Also, cutting out wheat/sugar can help a lot! Sorry you are suffering.