Has anyone tried Jackie Warner's 10 pounds in 10 days?

Im 5'4 currently 159 (at my slimmest I was 138), looking to shred these extra winter/vacation weight and just don't have a clue on what to eat. I am "okay" at the gym, I can typically do 30-40 minutes on the treadmill usually on an incline of 5-7 with short burst of running. Anyway....my eating is sporadic although i don't eat fast food or drink soda. My biggest enemies are rice and bread. SO...I picked up "10 pounds in 10 days" and Jackie Warner (celebrity trainer) gives you a rundown on exercises and 10 day meal plan for different phases. The first phase is 10 days (of the same meal) at 950 calories...but the calories do increase after the 10 days. I am on day two and I have lost 1 pound already :). Not much I know....just wondering if anyone else has had success or can offer any advice....


  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Sounds like another unsustainable diet. You might lose because of the ridiculously low calories, but it's not going to stick. You're on MFP, why not just use this?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2016
    You won't be able to lose 10 pounds in 10 days unless you are a candidate for my 600 pound life.

    If someone tried to sell you a plan to help you make a baby in one month, would you buy it?

    950 calories is way below the minimum of 1200 that is recommended - allowed - for women here on MFP.

    Plug your stats into the setup here and log food in your diary and try to hit the calories it tells you to eat, every day.

    Buy a food scale and use it. Eat real food, eat food you like, don't cut out anything you like, but fit it in. And cook, or learn to cook if you don't know how.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    edited March 2016
    Here are cold hard facts about "science" of fat loss, not just weight loss. You want to lose fat correct?
    It takes 3,500 calories to either gain or lose 1 pound of fat. Your body would have to burn 4,450 calories a day with you eating 950 in order to drop 3,500 calories a day and lose 1 pound a day of fat. The amount of physical activity required to burn 4,450 calories a day is insane. Hours and hours of steady state cardio with a heart rate average of about 140+bpm for the whole time. You may be able to do this 1 maybe 2 days but for sure by the 3rd day your body will not go anymore. You cannot physically have your body burn 3,500 calories a day for 10 days which is what is required to drop 10 pounds of fat.
    This is just another fad diet that doesnt work. Fat loss is a slow continual process that takes time and teaches you how to eat properly and have a healthy diet for an entire lifetime. Hope im able to help. :smiley:
  • Ames_RN
    Ames_RN Posts: 5 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    Here are cold hard facts about "science" of fat loss, not just weight loss. You want to lose fat correct?
    It takes 3,500 calories to either gain or lose 1 pound of fat. Your body would have to burn 4,450 calories a day with you eating 950 in order to drop 3,500 calories a day and lose 1 pound a day of fat. The amount of physical activity required to burn 4,450 calories a day is insane. Hours and hours of steady state cardio with a heart rate average of about 140+bpm for the whole time. You may be able to do this 1 maybe 2 days but for sure by the 3rd day your body will not go anymore. You cannot physically have your body burn 3,500 calories a day for 10 days which is what is required to drop 10 pounds of fat.
    This is just another fad diet that doesnt work. Fat loss is a slow continual process that takes time and teaches you how to eat property and have a healthy diet for an entire lifetime. Hope im able to help. :smiley:

    WOW thanks for that information....I'm basically losing water weight...makes me feel a lot worse for being suckered into that....
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Keep in mind that losing that fast, you're not just losing fat, but muscle- you might be lighter by the end, but you won't be terribly happy with how you look. You don't need a crash diet- just log for a week, look at how much you eat of what, and then make cuts and healthy substitutions to get you started. You don't have to give up bread or rice, just eat less of it. :)

    I'm 5'4, just got down to the 157 mark, am currently losing about a pound a week, give or take (some weeks, a little more, some weeks a little less), just by following a sensible eating plan at about 1300 calories a day+ half my exercise cals, and walking like a mad fiend. (4-6 Miles a day). At current rate, I should be around 147 by end of May. Sure, it's not 10 pounds in 10 days, but it's far healthier and more sustainable.
  • Ames_RN
    Ames_RN Posts: 5 Member
    Keep in mind that losing that fast, you're not just losing fat, but muscle- you might be lighter by the end, but you won't be terribly happy with how you look. You don't need a crash diet- just log for a week, look at how much you eat of what, and then make cuts and healthy substitutions to get you started. You don't have to give up bread or rice, just eat less of it. :)

    I'm 5'4, just got down to the 157 mark, am currently losing about a pound a week, give or take (some weeks, a little more, some weeks a little less), just by following a sensible eating plan at about 1300 calories a day+ half my exercise cals, and walking like a mad fiend. (4-6 Miles a day). At current rate, I should be around 147 by end of May. Sure, it's not 10 pounds in 10 days, but it's far healthier and more sustainable.

    Yeah I guess I was trying to cheat my way slimmer....I guess its disappointing when I slipped this winter for sure!
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Rice and bread are no one's enemies. We didn't get overweight eating just rice and bread, it's only the excess calories' fault. You can still lose weight eating all the rice and bread you want, as long as you stick to a sensible calorie goal.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Ames_RN wrote: »
    betuel75 wrote: »
    Here are cold hard facts about "science" of fat loss, not just weight loss. You want to lose fat correct?
    It takes 3,500 calories to either gain or lose 1 pound of fat. Your body would have to burn 4,450 calories a day with you eating 950 in order to drop 3,500 calories a day and lose 1 pound a day of fat. The amount of physical activity required to burn 4,450 calories a day is insane. Hours and hours of steady state cardio with a heart rate average of about 140+bpm for the whole time. You may be able to do this 1 maybe 2 days but for sure by the 3rd day your body will not go anymore. You cannot physically have your body burn 3,500 calories a day for 10 days which is what is required to drop 10 pounds of fat.
    This is just another fad diet that doesnt work. Fat loss is a slow continual process that takes time and teaches you how to eat property and have a healthy diet for an entire lifetime. Hope im able to help. :smiley:

    WOW thanks for that information....I'm basically losing water weight...makes me feel a lot worse for being suckered into that....
    Don't feel bad. At least now you've been given the mathematical numbers on how weight loss/fat loss actually works.
    At one time or another, we've all been deceived by information that we thought was great, only to find out it wasn't. Live and learn.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
