How to Build Shoulder Muscle


I just recently started working out and eating healthy to try to improve my overall health and weight.
I'm 5'4" and when I started I weight 223lbs. I'm down to 204lbs now.

I'm doing the 30 Day Shred which I know many of you are familiar with.
Here's my problem:

Workout 1 is too easy for me now. I mean, it's still hard, but it definitely wasn't pushing me enough.
I stepped it up to workout 2, but in workout 2 she has a strong focus on the shoulders, and apparently mine are really weak. I can barely make it through the 30 second plank jacks and plank squat things she has you do.
And afterwards, even with the couple breaks I take, I can barely use my arms the rest of the day.

Is this something I just have to tough it through until I adapt, or do you guys have some recommendations for me on ways to improve my shoulder and?

Thank you!!!


  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    It sounds like you have lacking shoulder endurance and strength. Do you live a fairly sedentary lifestyle?

    You could try doing some resistance band exercises along with a bit of weight training such as over head presses front, lateral, and rear raises. Even skipping might help a bit. It'll come with time though.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Full disclosure: I've never done 30DS.

    Often when you start a workout program the initial workouts can seem less challenging or easier than necessary. This is because they are created to help ease you into working out and increase your conditioning. It is possible that by moving to Workout 2 you have skipped the conditioning benefit of Workout 1.

    However, it is also possible that you simply need to keep working at Workout 2 and it will get easier. Exercise isn't meant to be really easy--it should be challenging and rewarding, if not enjoyable.
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I'm also having the same problem to some extent.

    I've done the level 2 workout five times now and each time I've been able to do those plank jacks for longer and longer without taking a break. The modifications don't really help as they're not easing any tension on the shoulders, so I do have to take five seconds sometimes.

    I find it helps to count how many plank jacks/ thrusts etc, I'm doing, that way I can push myself to just do five more/ten more.
  • skorsk
    skorsk Posts: 32 Member
    Wont gain strength in a takes time. Keep it up and you will b killing it soon. I did Insanity and struggled for a few weeks but pretty soon I was wanting more.
  • emtor20
    emtor20 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!!
    I kind of figured it was something that I just needed to push through, but if there was a better way, I wanted to know.

    Jessef: I do lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle; I have an office job, so a lot of my day is sitting. I try to get up and move around as much as I can, but it's not always a ton. I definitely know I'm lacking the endurance and strength in my shoulders (and everywhere) but hey, that's why I'm doing this! :)

    Jemhh: That's really good advice. Maybe I do need to go back to that one for a while, so I can get the conditioning. I'll keep at this 2nd one for a bit, and see what I think then. :)

    Laurenpjokl: Those plank jacks are a killer. I think what makes it so hard is just that so much of the workout focuses on shoulders. Walking push-ups, plank jacks, plank squat things, plank twists... it's a lot of being on your shoulders and by the end, I can't lift them anymore!
    That's a really good tip. After all, you can always do 1 more (or 5 more) of something..

    Krisonkor: Thanks for the encouragement! :) It can be really easy to get discouraged when a workout seems impossible for me.. I appreciate the confidence boost!
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    You're trying to get stronger shoulders, bigger shoulders, or wider shoulders? Side Laterals in high reps, low weight for shoulder hypertrophy is your gold standard exercise, not shoulder press. Building up lat muscles also helps exaggerate shoulder width (pullovers, lat pulldowns, pull ups, etc.). Form over weight, I only use 15lb dumbbells on side laterals! Don't kill yourself/injure yourself doing shoulder presses

    Youtube Milos Sarcev...he has some great videos on shoulder exercises
  • cronus70
    cronus70 Posts: 189 Member
    Shoulders are small muscles, easy to tear. It will take time to build strength in them but if you want to supplement your exercise with targeted shoulder sets (either with bands or weights) just don't go heavy, high reps, low weight