PCOS & trying to lose weight

For those who have this condition, you know losing weight feels like fighting an uphill battle. It's so easy to make excuses (as logical & factual as they are) about how your condition haults any progress. But you know what? YOU CAN DO IT!! I'm but one of the many living examples. I'm busting my butt to exercise 3-4 times a week, and to change my eating habits. It's not easy, and I still have about 100 lbs to go, but I'm closer to my goal with every workout and every unhealthy meal/food I reject. I'm fighting my uphill battle, & I'd love to be part of your support group to help you fight yours too.
God Bless!


  • jenuboggs
    jenuboggs Posts: 2 Member
    So true!!! PCOS adds just another layer to the difficulty of losing weight but it is still possible! I am down 45 pounds from my start, and have a long ways to go! Would love another friend on this journey!
  • brookevulinovic
    brookevulinovic Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I also have PCOS and out on 15kg within the past year. I have now lost approximately 6kgs but I am not exercising due to time limits, not that it is an excuse but I have totally switched my diet around. But I am finding my weight is now fluctuating a lot now I'm at the one month mark.
  • Woody_11
    Woody_11 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I also have PCOS and out on 15kg within the past year. I have now lost approximately 6kgs but I am not exercising due to time limits, not that it is an excuse but I have totally switched my diet around. But I am finding my weight is now fluctuating a lot now I'm at the one month mark.

    That is SO AWESOME!!! Congrats on your progress already! I know how the weight fluctuating can be so frustrating; keep working hard girl! Good luck!!
  • Woody_11
    Woody_11 Posts: 12 Member
    jenuboggs wrote: »
    So true!!! PCOS adds just another layer to the difficulty of losing weight but it is still possible! I am down 45 pounds from my start, and have a long ways to go! Would love another friend on this journey!

    That is incredible progress!! Congrats on that!!! Way to stick to your goals, despite the struggles. That is amazing in itself!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    If it were easy, everyone would be thin and healthy! ;)
  • Woody_11
    Woody_11 Posts: 12 Member
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    If it were easy, everyone would be thin and healthy! ;)

    Very true!!

  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    PCOS, 60 pounds down so far. (55 to go) Good luck to you!
  • Woody_11
    Woody_11 Posts: 12 Member
    laur357 wrote: »
    PCOS, 60 pounds down so far. (55 to go) Good luck to you!

    That's amazing!! Congrats