I've lost over 100lbs, gained some of it back

So like the title says, I've put some weight back on. I started off at around 375lbs, got down to about 265, and now I'm back up to 291. I'm 6'6" so if those numbers seem a bit strange, that's why. So what changed? I used to run daily and limit my caloric intake, it took a toll on my body. I partially tore my hamstring and wasn't able to run anymore, at that point I began to focus more on weight training. Finding a balance point between the two has been extremely difficult. I'm just about healed up to where I can run for long distances again, but I don't want to lose what strength I've gained in the weight room. I'm sitting right around 20% body fat according to my digital reader, and I would like to get down to the single digits. Anyone out there think they can help me out? Diet tips, workouts, etc. anything at all would be greatly appreciated.
