Cardiac quad bypass new buddies

Hey.. I am a new "zipper" member.. Had a quad bypass open heart Jan 19, 2016 also am a diabetic and a am in mild renal failure..I am looking for motivated buddies to keep me moving in the right direction.. Want/need to lose 40 lbs but on a restrictive workout plan.. How do you lose lbs when your on a very lite workout plan?? Please feel free to add me.. I am so new to this..


  • mandlegrot
    mandlegrot Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, there's no need to do any exercise to lose weight. Of course exercise makes you lose a bit quicker and gets you fit, but it still works on the principle of calories in / calories out. If you need to take it easy, you can still lose weight :)
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    Hi there please feel free to add me.

    I am sorry to read of your bypass but I'm delighted you are well enough to be thinking about improving your health.

    I'm losing 56lbs and I'm 12lb down.

    My physical illness limit me to walking. I have a desire to try a low impact aqua fit. If mobility improves I hope one day to be able to swim again.

    Have you got the all clear from the dr to begin a programme? That's my first piece of advice for you. Your dr is best placed to advise you on what you can manage.

    As mandelgrot says you don't need to exercise to lose.
  • marshallfan1968
    marshallfan1968 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you.. Still on restrictions.. Just did yoga for the first time.. It was sitting yoga but it is a start.. Have you thought about that?? I do it at the hospital where I do cardiac rehab..

    I am not sure how to add friends in here, so if you would like, add me..

    Hope your day is going great!!
  • pvju
    pvju Posts: 115 Member
    You can definitely lose without exercise. The main thing that's worked for me (though I get lax about it at times) is high protein and fat - when I keep those up I feel fuller and more satisfied on less calories. Good luck to you!