CRAVINGS- What I believe

I have been losing and gaining weight for 50 years. That statement alone is pretty depressing in that in all that time there are only a few periods when I've been able to maintain a healthy weight.

Recently I've begun losing weight with the focus of lowering my blood pressure and insulin resistance. Immediately after deciding to embark on this path, I stopped eating all added sugar (cane, beet, maple syrup, molasses, etc. ) and all added salt. My sodium intake is about 500mg, all naturally ocurring in egg whites and veggies, and my sugar is about 30 grams, all natural, from berries and nuts.

For the very first time in 50 years, NO cravings!

I think the heavy consumption of salt and fat may have caused my cravings for all those years. Wow, if I'd only figured that out 49 years sooner. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation?


  • jennagoogles13
    I've discovered something similar. I find that when I cut out most processed carbohydrates, I stop craving them. I could literally eat a box of cereal in one sitting, but if I don't eat it regularly, I have no desire to eat it!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I have found very similar results. I have found I can use honey or molasses in my coffee will cause no cravings for me. Generally my cravings are for carbs and greasy foods.
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I have definitely experienced no cravings since starting my current weight loss program utilizing the 5:2 (new lifestyle forever). I have not been eating white bread, potato chips (my downfall) and white sugar. I am definitely finding it easy to stay on track because the urge to eat the junk seems to have finally left the building. I have been doing this diet plan since April 2013 and I am very pleased how easy it has been, especially since I seem to be craving free.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Intermittent fasting and low carbing have taught me that all my major cravings issues stemmed from higher carb and processed foods. All of them. Two years ago I went a year on strict low carb (I low carbed for far longer but would oscillated back and forth) and barely had cravings for any high carbs or sugary treats.

    Then a year past, I figured I might as well reintroduce them, and BAM, there the cravings went. Struggled for months, sweets consumption got way out of line, which lead back to the pasta, and potatoes, etc and gained weight, until I finally said "enough is enough" a couple months ago. I'm trying to allow limited access to all foods, but know exactly how I need to eat the vast majority of the time to live a satiating, craving and hunger free life.