Ready for a Change

Hey MFP peoples! I'm currently in college and need to get serious about getting healthy. I've been overweight my whole life and now that I'm on my own, it's time to change that. I finally got medication that I needed for a hiatal hernia so now I can finally eat the healthy foods I want to. It would be wonderful to finally have some support so if y'all would like to friend me go for it!


  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    This is a great community, we all support your journey! Welcome to MFP.
  • KimberleyWilson2
    KimberleyWilson2 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome! I'll send you an add! I love the daily people. Makes the journey so much more fun. :) I've been overweight most of my life as well. Doesn't mean the rest of it has to be that way though!