Hoping for advice!

Hey, I'm just about to restart here and would love some advice as to whether the way i have set things up is the best way.

1. I'm 48, female, 187 pounds and 5 foot 1.
2. According to Fitness Frog that makes my BMR 1524 and my TDEE 1829 (set at sedentary).
3. If I eat at TDEE - 20% that makes it 1451, less than my BMR.
4. So, if I set my cals at about 1550 and eat back half my exercise calories this should result in a steady weight loss?
5. I tend to do about 15 mins Hiit exercising a day, plus 2 sessions of aqua aerobics and 2 of Sh'Bam (a dancey type class) and a yoga session. I have an apple watch which checks my pulse every few minutes, tells me how many exercise cals I have done based on my heart rate and tracks my steps. I am assuming this will give me quite an accurate record of exercise cals, apart from when I am in the water doing my aqua class. My apple watch syncs the calories straight to MFP.
6. I intend tracking the macroes as well, using the Premium account, with it set at protein 40%, Fat 30% and Carbs 30%. i know this will take a while to perfect. until I know how my foods fit my macroes and vice versa.

So....what do you think, does this sound like a plan? Any advice? What sort of weight loss could I expect If I stick to this??

Hoping for replies.....


Lucy x


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Sounds like a good plan. But lots of protein, not necessarily enough to give you any adversary effects, but difficult to create tasty meals (which in turn will make plan harder to stick to), maybe you'll have to go for supplements, and that's not necessary IMO; more than your body needs will be used for energy anyway. An easier approach could be for instance 25% protein, 40% carbs, 35% fat. But you have to find out for yourself what works for you.

    A daily deficit of 1829-1550=279 calories would create a loss of around 279 grams or half a pound a week. Addtional exercise will increase loss.

    You don't need Premium to track macros. It's useful for... something, I'm sure, but I haven't bothered to use anything but the free features.