Help-Thyroid, Metabolism, and Weight Loss

Hello, all! I wanted to post a quick discussion- I'm in need of some advice. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 2 years ago, and have been on Synthroid ever since. My weight is typically stable around 130 lb. However, since September I have weighed around 140 lb. I have no idea where the extra weight is coming from. My diet is very good (I have cut out diet soda, ice cream, candy in an effort to lose weight, and watch what I eat. I'm actually studying to be a dietitian!), and I can honestly say I'm eating better now than I was when I weighed 130. I'm consistently cold and have issues with constipation, too. Due to all of this, my Synthroid dose was increased about 2 weeks ago. I know it takes time for the thyroid to respond to the medication increase, but I was wondering what others have done to have successful weight loss? I typically do cardio (walk 5 miles, about 4.0 mph) 6-7 days/week, but would like to add strength training to try and improve my metabolism. Any recommended workouts for a beginner?

I'm so frustrated, any advice is appreciated!! Thank you.


  • kirayng2
    kirayng2 Posts: 36 Member
    I would definitely add strength training to your regime, as well as some relaxation/meditation/yoga. I have Hashimoto's and my weight is up and down due to time of year, diet, what I do for exercise, water intake, tons of variables that make consistent weight loss difficult. Also it takes 6 weeks for a dose increase to be effective and if your doctor is only measuring TSH you may have an underlying condition like mine or a T3 conversion issue. Get your full metabolic panel tested after dose increase and also test for antibodies to rule out Hashi's which is an autoimmune disease.

    Are you on brand name Synthroid I'm assuming due to the post, is it manufactured at the same place, have you changed pharmacies? I am on brand name Levoxyl and was taking generic before which worked for a while then they changed generic manufacturers and I went hypo so I demanded Levoxyl when it came back on the market. Found taking the brand name stuff from the same pharmacy gives me the best results.

    I'm doing Julian Michaels 30-day shred with 3lb weights, weight training regime 4 days a week, cardio (couch to 5k) every day; just started all of this after a bout of being hypo again for no reason dr's could find, very hard to exercise with no energy as you can imagine.

    Curious, was your hypo postpartum? That's when mine started too, one of the doctor's I went to suggested coming off the levothyroixine all together and I found that absurd, but if he's right then the condition actually goes away... Not sure about that at all. I guess his reasoning was in line with something like gestational diabetes. I've had this condition for 18 years now. I'd be terrified of stopping Levoxyl, I really hate gaining weight, was up to 230 lbs and am now around 185.
  • jeanette38340
    jeanette38340 Posts: 16 Member
    I have thyroid issues so understand your frustration I pretty much eat clean I still gain weight sometimes yet I lost 3-4 this week it's the same 3-4 pounds but happy I'm making progress I started doing green smoothie 2 times a day and it's helping me lose weight hope it help I have 40/50 to lose you can do it
  • jeanette38340
    jeanette38340 Posts: 16 Member
    A few years ago I was 265-270 now I'm 207 I still have a ways to go yet you can do it I started doing weights 3-5 times a week it's up and down a lot yet by adding stretch training and watch what I eat it helps
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    I have Thyroid issues as well. My doctor described getting your levels normal is like filling a bucket with an eye dropper. I stuck to 1200 cal and did 20 min of cardio three times a week. I also worked my core, doing squats, planks and leg lifts at the beginning. So far so good.
  • aprila139
    aprila139 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2016
    Greetings. I have has a total thyroidectomy in 2009, after being diagnosed with papillary carcinoma. .. in which I gained an extreme amount of weight. I was 192 lbs at my biggest and only 5'3". After the surgery, my doctor regulated my thyroid. I started working out immensely and quit drinking alcohol for 8.5 months and dropped 60 lbs! It's now 2016 and my weight is creeping up again and now I'm at 153 lbs. I have a sit down office job, but try and get my work outs in regularly. I'm planning on getting back on it hard core to drop the weight, can anyone give me any advice or inspiration to help me drop 20 lbs?