need to loose weight before my anniversary!

ginnyokeen Posts: 11 Member
Hi all
Today my first day till my anniversary in June 9 I hope I reach my goal I got 25-30 lbs to loose. I never been this heavy in my entire life . my baby 3 years old now but my baby fat still there !! I'm 5" 2 and 165 pretty heavy for my height . I never lock in calories before I hope this will help .


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Congratulations on your resolution.
    I suggest not define a target date to lose X pounds of body weight but rather "Lose body weight by my anniversary". Any weight loss is better than none.
    Read MFP Most Helpful Post at the beginning of this message board.
    Here is a link
    Buy yourself a food scale, weigh all food you ingest, log it at MFP. If you eat at a deficit ( calories burned higher than calories ingested), you will lose weight.
    Manage your expectation, remember than weight loss is not linear. You did not gain the extra weight in Y months, so do not expect a fast weight loss.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    I can't tell you what works for you,

    but it helped me to log everything with the website or the smartphone app, everyday, everything. Some days I spent 30 minutes tapping or typing things in. I didn't weigh food but I did read labels for weights, and estimated the home-cooked weights. I did that for 180days. It was sorta fun, kind of a way of life change, and after saving typical meals as templates, it became faster and more efficient. Ater 180days I no longer log food, and I have a solid knowledge base to estimate protein fats carbs and weights of any food I eat now. All I log now is body weight to be within my target range - I have no excuse and have daily accountability when I leave my weight target range.

    FYI low carb, high protein, high fat will tend to reduce hunger. Makes it easier to not over-eat.

  • Jamiempang
    Jamiempang Posts: 39 Member
    Don't focus on pounds lost by a specific goal date. You need to think of a reason WHY you want to be healthier and make sure it's a good one. Choose a way to work out (running, join a gym, dvd at home) and then join a SUPPORT GROUP! Make sure you have your macros and calories set at a realistic level (NOT below 1300, and I would suggest higher unless you were not eating much before) and then learn how to eat whole foods. If you need a buddy to help you feel free to add me. Helping others reach their personal goals is a huge passion of mine.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    ginnyokeen wrote: »
    Hi all
    Today my first day till my anniversary in June 9 I hope I reach my goal I got 25-30 lbs to loose. I never been this heavy in my entire life . my baby 3 years old now but my baby fat still there !! I'm 5" 2 and 165 pretty heavy for my height . I never lock in calories before I hope this will help .

    The best advice I have is to weigh and measure your foods. Sounds tedious and like it will be crazy to do it but it helps! I am a member on a popular weight loss group online and have lost 15 lbs since Feb 2nd (less than two months). You can do it! I also started out wanting to lose before my anniversary and now I want to lose by our summer vacation. Having a goal to work towards makes it easier in my opinion.

    Good luck to you!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Jamiempang wrote: »
    Don't focus on pounds lost by a specific goal date. You need to think of a reason WHY you want to be healthier and make sure it's a good one. Choose a way to work out (running, join a gym, dvd at home) and then join a SUPPORT GROUP! Make sure you have your macros and calories set at a realistic level (NOT below 1300, and I would suggest higher unless you were not eating much before) and then learn how to eat whole foods. If you need a buddy to help you feel free to add me. Helping others reach their personal goals is a huge passion of mine.

    Can I add you? I just started on this site but I've been losing through another weight loss company (not sure if I can mention it here). You say not to go under 1300 cals per day but this site set me up depending on my info I entered and only gives me 1200 cals per day.