M/23/5'9 SW: 205lbs GW: 175lbs by end of 2016!

Starting Weight Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/4NPAR

X-Post and Main Info Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/4b6szp/23m_from_uk_needs_your_help_desperately_before_i/

Starting my goal to loose 30lbs by the end of 2016, webbed myself this morning at 205lbs and want to get down to 175lbs!

I currently don't do any form of exercise and eat far too much junk food!

Got myself a new girl who says she loves me for me and isn't bothered about my body, it's making me feel disgusting about myself so I need to change!

1st April 2016 is my start date and I aim to loose 30lbs by end of the year, not trying to bulk up and get super muscly, just want to loose weight and get rid of my belly!

I'll be using MFP to track my food intake, trying to cut carbs out as much as I can, also wanting to do 30 mins of exercise every day, planning on starting C25K too!

Any support or words of wisdom you can offer, please go ahead I need all the inspiration and stories I can to get me motivated!

Thanks to all the inspiring stories here! You guys are the best!


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Unless you have some sort of medical issue (diabetes, insulin resistance) you don't need to cut carbs. All you need to do is establish a moderate calorie deficit. My suggestion, enter your information into the goal setter here on Myfitnesspal. Choose a weight loss goal per week of 1 pound, no more. That gives you a calorie goal that will have you lose weight whether you exercise or not. That number is the goal you are to reach. If you exercise, you are supposed to eat those calories burned as well as they are not included, and the whole point is to keep your calorie deficit moderate to preserve muscle mass.

    Now that you have a number to eat to, you need to log everything you eat or drink that has calories. The best way to do this is to weigh solids with a digital kitchen scale including those that are grated (cheese) or ground (peanut butter) and measuring all liquids with a measuring cup or spoons. To be really accurate even weighing pre-portioned food like slices of bread can be wise as there are lots of variations even in them. Log the food you eat, the drinks you drink, and meet your calorie goal. Over time you will lose an average of one pound per week. Some weeks a little more, some a little less, some none at all and some even a gain. It is the overall trend that is important. I use a weight trend tracking app to see that overall trend.

    So that is it. Do this, give it time, and the weight should be gone.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Unless you have some sort of medical issue (diabetes, insulin resistance) you don't need to cut carbs. All you need to do is establish a moderate calorie deficit. My suggestion, enter your information into the goal setter here on Myfitnesspal. Choose a weight loss goal per week of 1 pound, no more. That gives you a calorie goal that will have you lose weight whether you exercise or not. That number is the goal you are to reach. If you exercise, you are supposed to eat those calories burned as well as they are not included, and the whole point is to keep your calorie deficit moderate to preserve muscle mass.

    Now that you have a number to eat to, you need to log everything you eat or drink that has calories. The best way to do this is to weigh solids with a digital kitchen scale including those that are grated (cheese) or ground (peanut butter) and measuring all liquids with a measuring cup or spoons. To be really accurate even weighing pre-portioned food like slices of bread can be wise as there are lots of variations even in them. Log the food you eat, the drinks you drink, and meet your calorie goal. Over time you will lose an average of one pound per week. Some weeks a little more, some a little less, some none at all and some even a gain. It is the overall trend that is important. I use a weight trend tracking app to see that overall trend.

    So that is it. Do this, give it time, and the weight should be gone.

    +1 Excellent advice.

    Welcome OP :)