Ridiculous...!!! A month in and nothing has moved

I don't get it... Staying under 1200 calories daily... No weight lose !!!


  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.
  • janiceh2016
    janiceh2016 Posts: 15 Member
    If I eat more.. I figure I will gain.. Just new to this site... a friend told me about someone she knew was losing lots
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.

    If I eat more.. I figure I will gain.. Just new to this site... a friend told me about someone she knew was losing lots

    Are you weighing everything you eat, in grams?
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.

    No - that's not how this works.

    OP - how are you determining how much you're eating? Are you eyeballing portions, using measuring cups/spoons, or using a food scale?

    What's your age, height & current weight?

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    This helpful chart floats around the forums. It explains where most people go wrong. The standard reply of "you're not eating enough" is one of those responses that's a bit of a myth for most people.
    The most likely issue usually seen is people eating far more than they think because they don't weigh their food, or use standard entries without measuring portion sizes (for example "1 banana 90g" and your banana may be 150g). I think "eyeballing" portion sizes, sloppy diary keeping and overestimating calories burned from exercise are the usual culprits, not "not eating enough"!


  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    You might also find these videos helpful to show you why accurate measuring is vital.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You're eating too much to lose.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    3 Possibilities

    1. Not burning enough
    2. Eating too much
    3. Thyroid issue

  • janiceh2016
    janiceh2016 Posts: 15 Member
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.

    If I eat more.. I figure I will gain.. Just new to this site... a friend told me about someone she knew was losing lots

    Are you weighing everything you eat, in grams?
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.

    If I eat more.. I figure I will gain.. Just new to this site... a friend told me about someone she knew was losing lots

    Are you weighing everything you eat, in grams?

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    That's why ! You're not eating enough.

    Welcome @janiceh2016. Google what @myheartsabattleground mentioned. We can not successfully lose weight by putting our bodies in shock by starving them. I am 65 and my wrecked my health trying to starve off weight over and over. It flat does not work but some are too young to understand that fact. They just do not understand the harm they are doing under eating by more than a few hundred calories daily.

    Best of success and do not get dieting advice from social media and friends. Use Google to dig deeper on remarks and learn your way forward. We do not make a mess of things over night nor do we cure them overnight.

    I had to become very sick before I could become obese. I have to recover my basic health before all the weight will come off and stay off. I did finally lose 50 pounds and have keep it off for a year eating 2500-3000 calories daily walking at least a 1/4 mile daily.

    Please start researching the science at this point vs acting on rumors on social media. Learn how some make their cravings good way. No successful long term weight loss can occur until the cravings are addressed because in my experience over 40 years when the willpower wears thin I would reverse diet to 100%+ regains every time.
  • janiceh2016
    janiceh2016 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks all... I weighed a few things to get the gist of the size... Have eyeballed others but mostly locate the food item or close facsimile and enter that as the daily item under snack ...ie 1/2 cup of Astro 2% yogurt
  • janiceh2016
    janiceh2016 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks... 65 at 5'2" and over 140lbs... Lots of middle stuff. I am a good walker and given up the white stuff, treats and wine!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    First of all, everyone is different genetically. Secondly, if you don't consume enough calories, your body will not burn fat. That also depends on your activity level. Lastly, success does not happen over night.
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    First of all, everyone is different genetically. Secondly, if you don't consume enough calories, your body will not burn fat. That also depends on your activity level. Lastly, success does not happen over night.

    Based on this logic how do people starve to death in times of famine?

    The less you eat the smaller you get, it is that simple.

    Not losing weight? Chances are you are eating more than you think.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    First of all, everyone is different genetically. Secondly, if you don't consume enough calories, your body will not burn fat. That also depends on your activity level. Lastly, success does not happen over night.

    No. That's not how it works.
  • janiceh2016
    janiceh2016 Posts: 15 Member
    The nutritional report will show 'over' for fat and sugar levels yet overall I am within 1200 daily caloric total... Not sure about setting proper goals percentage breakdown for protein, carb and fat. I went for higher protein (90 gm) too hard to reach
  • 6pkdreamer
    6pkdreamer Posts: 180 Member
    65 year ie 780 moths to get were you are NOW.
    It takes more than a month to get some where NEW!
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    First of all, everyone is different genetically. Secondly, if you don't consume enough calories, your body will not burn fat. That also depends on your activity level. Lastly, success does not happen over night.

    No. That's not how it works.

  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    bogwoppt1 wrote: »
    cgvet37 wrote: »
    First of all, everyone is different genetically. Secondly, if you don't consume enough calories, your body will not burn fat. That also depends on your activity level. Lastly, success does not happen over night.

    Based on this logic how do people starve to death in times of famine?

    The less you eat the smaller you get, it is that simple.

    Not losing weight? Chances are you are eating more than you think.

    You are comparing starvation to diet.
  • MichelleLea122
    MichelleLea122 Posts: 332 Member
    The nutritional report will show 'over' for fat and sugar levels yet overall I am within 1200 daily caloric total... Not sure about setting proper goals percentage breakdown for protein, carb and fat. I went for higher protein (90 gm) too hard to reach

    Unless you're diabetic/insulin resistant/have specific health issues going over on sugar isn't a problem.

    Since you're a beginner, I recommend you mainly focus on your calorie goal. At the end of the day, weight loss is calories in vs. calories out. A lot of people on here get caught up with counting carbs, fats, etc. but tbh your macronutrient (carb/protein/fat) percentage split doesn't make much of a difference for the average person looking to lose weight.

    That being said protein does help with satiety and preserving muscle during weight loss, so I'd try and aim for higher protein. But unless you're doing a lot of strength training and exercises like that, super high protein really isn't necessary. As long as you are hitting the minimum of your macronutrient and micronutrient goals (you can easily google those online), then you can allocate your breakdown for protein, carb, and fat to what's comfortable and sustainable for you.