How much water is too much water?



  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    The 28-year old woman who died at the water drinking radio contest had only 6 liters of water in 3 hours. So be careful.

    Don't drink for the sake of drinking water, if you need water, your body will tell you.

    I have always heard and believed that once your body is telling you it's THIRSTY it's too late and your body is already dehydrated.

    You don't have to be actively thirsty for your body to tell you it wants some water :)
    It's more like, if it pops into your head that some would be nice, go for it! But don't go out of your way to down glasses of water you don't need.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    Does water help flush out the excess sodium. My doctor says I should reduce sodium because I retain fluid in my ankles. I would think drinking a lot of water would make that worse but then some say that drinking water flushes out the excess sodium and will improve my fluid retention. I'm so confused.

    My doctor told me to drink at least the 8 cups of water to help flush out the sodium. It works. I can tell by looking at my feet whether I am or am not retaining water. I've also worked hard at reducing sodium, and it helps a lot, too. I feel so much better since I have taken this advice. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just popped in to say the eight glasses a day rule is not backed up by any good evidence.

    You do NOT need to drink eight glasses a day- you get water in your food as well. Just follow what your body wants when it comes to water.

    Yup. If you feel thirsty, drink more. If you aren't that thirsty, drink less. Unless you're having problems from too much water, you're fine. I drink at least 80 oz a day just because I like to and am thirsty a lot.
  • DahliaBanker
    DahliaBanker Posts: 234 Member
    Does water help flush out the excess sodium. My doctor says I should reduce sodium because I retain fluid in my ankles. I would think drinking a lot of water would make that worse but then some say that drinking water flushes out the excess sodium and will improve my fluid retention. I'm so confused.

    My doctor told me to drink at least the 8 cups of water to help flush out the sodium. It works. I can tell by looking at my feet whether I am or am not retaining water. I've also worked hard at reducing sodium, and it helps a lot, too. I feel so much better since I have taken this advice. :)

    Since I reduced sodium intake and increased my water intake a little I have noticed dramatic improvement in my ankle swelling but didn't know which one made the improvement, probably both. MFP gave me a goal of 2500 for sodium but I lowered that to 1750. When I started logging my food 2500 was way too high for me. How much do you try to stay under for a low sodium diet?