New and need an Accountabili-Buddy

elizbgrc3 Posts: 1 Member
I'm a 35 yr old mother of 2 and former dancer trying to get back in shape in the middle of the normal circus of life


  • 4humpy445
    4humpy445 Posts: 21 Member
    It's hard to focus on yourself when you have to care of kids and chase after them everywhere but you can do it!
  • davidmartinez66
    davidmartinez66 Posts: 92 Member

    Anyone can add me, I fitbit as well, I log food and exercise on MFP daily. You are in the right place the community here is very supportive, you can do this!

    All the Best!
  • SharpMamaOf3
    SharpMamaOf3 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a mama of 3 and currently 3 weeks postpartum. I 100% understand the struggle. Love MFP simply because it helps keep me on track and accountable for my actions. Best of luck! You can do it!!
    DHLFITNESS25 Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me guys...everyone could use some motivation!!
  • dmpolansky
    dmpolansky Posts: 38 Member
    You can add me! I'm basically starting over.....again. We can motivate each other! I'm a single mother of 2 girls.
  • Borgeteien
    Borgeteien Posts: 14 Member
    Also starting over, for the .... time (lost count, hehe). If you like a friend from Norway, feel free to add me
  • Tans40
    Tans40 Posts: 11 Member
    I am right there with you is so hard working out keeping focused and being a mommy. But we can do this! ! You can add me as well any motivation helps.
  • bmcnulty1990
    bmcnulty1990 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add .. I'm a mama of two trying to Kickstart my journey again after my weigh loss and really love towards toning up and getting muscle.. definitely hard to stay on track when we are busy mom's
  • vanzeem15
    vanzeem15 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 33, mom of two. I'll add you and we can keep each other accountable. I'm always looking for new friends to share this journey with!