The temptations of Easter.

So this comment is a little more about success despite giving into temptation. This is only day 3 of my diet and I treated myself. Despite the diet I had already given up pizza for lent so today I planned to have takeout pizza. Instead of giving into Easter completely I had a minimalistic healthy breakfast and lunch. I had just 3 micro hollow eggs as my Easter treat.

So down to the pizza. Let me first say that I stayed under my calorie limit today. I did this my having the small Italian base pizza with healthy(ish) toppings of chicken and onion. I also went for the low fat cheese option. My point is that whilst I want to diet and lose weight, I'm not sacrificing the bad stuff completely as that will increase cravings.

I hope you have all indulged a little today but not overdone it.

Happy Easter. Please feel free to friend me.


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I've done good. I don't really care for all that processed sugar that I put in my kids baskets anyway, LOL. I've been eating good foods today and making sure to not allow myself to get too hungry.
  • conniehealthygirl
    conniehealthygirl Posts: 156 Member
    I am good today. No Easter candy Don't want any!! At least I tell myself that. But really I am staying away from eating candy today