Winning a Bet and Beyond!

Hello MFP users! :) My name is Heather and I've been here before, but a lack of motivation and dedication coupled with emotional eating hindered my success. Now at my heaviest weight, I'm ready and willing to make a permanent lifestyle change for the better.

As of a week ago, my dad and I started a competition to see who could lose the most weight by June 1st. Actually, he believes that he will surpass me and weigh at least a tenth of a pound less than me by that time. If he wins I have to buy him new clothes. If I win I get part of the rigging equipment I need to hang aerial fabric in our building!

I'm desperate to win. After 4 straight months of classes 2x a week and as often as I can now, I'm a silks junkie. Being able to hang fabric at home would be perfect. Not having to spend a ton of my own money on it would be even better. haha So I need all the motivation and good vibes I can get! Feel free to add me and I will do my best to be a great motivator for you as well! <3


  • runbabarun
    runbabarun Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me, compelled to see how it turns out. Can we bet on this? :smile:
  • haphazard_heather
    haphazard_heather Posts: 8 Member
    You BETcha! haha :)
  • runbabarun
    runbabarun Posts: 89 Member
    He will pay big time!
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Feel free to add me! I want to hear more about the aerial classes.
  • s_ting
    s_ting Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! I'm a silks junkie here as well, and would love more than anything to have my own rig. One day, when I own my own backyard, I'll make it happen... I have total faith in you winning the bet! I love talking silks and am more of a lurker on MFP, but feel free to chat me up whenever (:
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    Fascinated by the silks aerials, could watch for hours. Feel free to add me, I want to see how it works out.