280 lbs

I had gastric sleeve a few yes ago in 2012 and my starting weight was 355 I lost 136 lbs I've gained 61 lbs. I'm slightly disappointed and discouraged but I know I can get back on track I have to get my energy back and cut being lazy and get on my grind..any motivation you all can/will send my way will be much appreciated and will motivate me to work harder! Peace and love


  • mrodriguez1082
    mrodriguez1082 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I had a gastric bypass's and I actually did not lose any weight with it the first month I lost only 6 pounds after a month of sulking and grieving of the fact that another failed diet was on my horizon I got up and started moving and eating all the right foods and since then I have lost 97 pounds feel free to add me