First time..

Hey everyone!
I'm Aria from Canada. I have been struggling with my weight and issues with food for most of my life. About 2.5 years ago I started putting on more and more weight. I was in a mentally abusive relationship, had lost all confidence and was horribly depressed. I've since left the unhealthy relationship and I've been losing some weight, I was 296lbs and now I think I'm sitting at 250lbs. I lost that weight mostly through diet alone. Now I need to figure out where to start as far as exercise goes. I'm still a pretty heavy person and I'm not sure what exercises would help without hurting my joints or anything. I also have poor cardio that I need to work on. So I am reaching out to the land of the interwebs to try to find some motivation and advice from people who have been where I'm at. There's no better day to start than today, right?!


  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Congrats on your success thus far and welcome to the MFP community. What's most important is focusing on eating properly and the weight will come off. Exercise is mainly for health. Try a walking video. Leslie Sansone -Walk away the pounds. There are slow ones to start with like the 1 mile indoor walk and as you feel more confident step it up to some of the faster or longer vids.
  • jan1208
    jan1208 Posts: 10 Member
    First off, well done you for realising that you did NOT deserve to be treated like that and for leaving that relationship before things got worse - this is a sign that you are clearly a very strong woman and are ready to fight for what you want, deserve and WILL achieve! I am here to encourage you if you wish to be MFP friends!
  • mmm_marshmellow
    mmm_marshmellow Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! I'll try to look up one of her videos :) My new not abusive and supportive boyfriend said that he would start going for walks with me. I think that's a good place to start.
  • Ur1Princess
    Ur1Princess Posts: 1 Member
    Great job Aria! I agree with sanfrommy eating right is most of the battle. I've learned through out my journey there are foods that will provide the nutrition for joint pain. As far as a workout video. I started with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. There are three videos which are available on YouTube. They are about 20-30 mins long. When I started I did only what I could to build up my endurance. I tweaked what I couldn't do by switching push ups for pushing myself away from the wall while standing. I started with no weights at all also. As long as your staying active for that period of time and getting your heart pumping I think you will feel a difference by the end of the thirty days. I wish you well through your journey!
  • bubbles2621
    bubbles2621 Posts: 546 Member
    Hi Aria, please feel free to add me, I'm sitting at about 250 now and looking to drop about 70 lbs :)