Really looking to lose weight but more importantly - GET HEALTHY

RVG42 Posts: 7 Member
so tired of being sick and tired!
ready to end my relationship with the couch - this is not living


  • pbee89
    pbee89 Posts: 83 Member
    Haha I hear ya. Same here! Add me, let's motivate each other ☺️
  • RVG42
    RVG42 Posts: 7 Member
    sounds good - I have habit of starting something and not sticking with it (then again that is probably the case with most overweight ppl). I REALLY want to check in and track daily as I have a feeling that may be the only way I can see progress, this whole "out of sight - out of mind" thing is what has gotten me in this mess.
  • RainbowPoodle97
    RainbowPoodle97 Posts: 45 Member
    I have a habit of saying that I'll start exercising but it doesn't go any further than that.
  • RVG42
    RVG42 Posts: 7 Member
    oh my goodness me too - every weekend I tell myself "this monday I am definitely going to start" then Monday comes and the cycle continues