Don't know where to start...

Really need to loose some weight but feel so deflated about it all. I have no one to give me a boost or support or encouragement, I'm surrounded by people who have never been in a situation where they've needed shed the pounds and who don't understand how difficult it can be to fit around a busy lifestyle. I've been made to feel so bad about myself that I'm scared to step on the scales, or look in a mirror. Any advice on how or where to begin would be fantastic and very much apreciated. I'm fed up of feeling like people look down on me for my size xx


  • Madisonbee3
    Madisonbee3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Stacey, I've been in your situation before. By the time I was 14 I was 340 lbs and had no support from anyone, including my parents. I'm 16 now, and am at 200 lbs (aiming for 140). At first it was really hard, but I've learned a few things in the past 2 years. For one, water is your best friend as well as protein rich foods like eggs, fish, and vegetables. If you can't fit in gym time start walking anywhere you can. I started walking home my freshman year and lost 20 lbs without changing my eating habits. I'd love to see you progress in your journey
  • RVG42
    RVG42 Posts: 7 Member
    Madisonbee3 - congratulations honey! you are such a strong young lady, unbelievable the success you have already had. Thanks for the water tip - I know how important it is but struggle with this aspect as well as many others.
  • RVG42
    RVG42 Posts: 7 Member
    stacey93ox - i know what you mean about being deflated, I feel like a complete loser everyday because I just cannot seem to get it right and do the right thing. I too have a busy lifestyle and frequently find myself grabbing pizza or the like and justifying by the fact that I am so tired or worked so hard today. I do not know where to begin either but I would say that just by being here and tracking our food it is a start and a step in the right direction. Perhaps we should take Madisons advice and begin with increased water intake and any exercise possible.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    When I was loosing my weight, I didn't tell anyone except my husband and I'm glad I didn't. Some reasons are:
    - It gave me the freedom to choose my foods without the possibility of judgement or perusal
    - weight loss isn't linear, so if I didn't lose for a week or two, only I knew (again, I wasn't judged in any way)
    - no one noticed my weight loss until I'd lost about 15 lbs. Had I been expecting people to notice, I may have been disappointed.

    This is your journey and the reasons you're taking it is personal.
    To make this a sustainable and workable plan for yourself:
    - Enter a reasonable (0.5 or 1 lb/week) weight loss goal into MFP and other current stats.
    - weigh, measure and log all your foods and caloric drinks. Don't skip anything.
    - weigh yourself no more than once a week; don't expect the weight loss to be linear. It won't be. Look for long-term trends.

    You can do this. It takes determination but you have that. Believe in yourself.
  • stacey93ox
    stacey93ox Posts: 10 Member
    First and foremost huge well done madisonbee3 yes my family are exactly the same as what you say rather Un supportive. I struggle as I use my car for work (I have no choice I need to) and work long hours so the diet is the way to go! I definitely need to drink more water! It's nice to know I'm not alone, thank you xxx

  • stacey93ox
    stacey93ox Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone it really does help having the support xxx
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I've been weighing/measuring my lunch and taking it to work along with snacks. For dinner I have teriyaki chicken breasts in the freezer and microwaveable veggies at all times so dinner is only 5 min away of I'm tired...I have no excuses that way:) You could buy microwave meals and add microwave veggies to them to bulk them up so you get more food for not a lot of cals. I also always have light progresso soup on hand:)
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    This forum has been invaluable to me in terms of support! If I can do this, you can do this. :)
    Just remember that you are worth it.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Start by simply logging everything you eat, everyday.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, you can do this :)

    Start by entering your stats into MFP and getting your calorie goal. Then for the first week, just eat what you normally would and log it, just to get the hang of it. Then take a look at that first week's entries and see where all your calories are going and little tweaks you can make to slowly but surely start bringing that number down. My own tips (mind you these are just my opinion from my experience):
    1. Log everything accurately and consistently. Choose database entries carefully. Log even if you have a bad day and go over, it's the best way to learn your weaknesses and strengths.
    2. Get a food scale and use it as often as possible - the most accurate way to determine portion size is the food scale.
    3. Don't try to change too much all at once. Technically you can lose weight eating the same food you already eat just less. Obviously making healthier choices will help you cut down the calories, but restricting yourself too much is a recipe for burnout, so make room for a treat whenever you can
    4. Don't use a bad day as an excuse to quit. Everyone has days they fall off the wagon. Just log it, learn from it, and get back on plan tomorrow.
    5. Practice seeing the number on the scale as just a number. It is not stamped on your forehead, it is not a definition of who you are. Just a number you can change over time.
    6. Be patient. This will take a long time. Some weeks you won't lose any weight. some weeks you might even gain. Everyone does, no big deal!

    Good luck!