New to the forums

msamyg Posts: 6 Member
I have been using MFP since November and find its a great way to track my calories and macros :) A bit about me - I am 29, I am from Melbourne, Australia, I have 2 children and I am studying primary school teaching.

I lost 25kg back in 2009/2010 after realising that I had put on a lot of weight and was weighing in at 100kg!! I was bordering on not being able to buy clothes that were comfortable, and I was just plain old miserable. Through a lot of will power I lost the weight, and now am building muscle definition through exercise. I know that through building up my muscles I have put on weight, but that is fine with me, as I know I am fitter, stronger, healthier and in a smaller clothing size than I was even a few months ago.

Each day is a challenge, and I am working hard to reach my goals and have the fitness levels I have been aiming for for a long time. I would love more friends on MFP, so please add me :) I love the idea of sharing my journey with like-minded others.



  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Great job! Much encouragement here! Feel free to add me!
  • FriscoChet
    FriscoChet Posts: 57
    Amy, I agree this is a great way to track and see progress. My daughter (Pre-Med) tried to get me on this site about 6 months ago, but I was not ready to start again. I am currently taking some classes this summer (I am in the Dallas TX, USA area), and taking an extra class on Health and Fitness, and in one of the labs it suggested this site. So, a few weeks ago I started working out again, and this week I signed up on this site. (so far so good). f you need someone for support and to share the journey's with, in a much different time zone, feel free to invite me. I have not filled out all my profile information yet, but will soon (sorry about that). Either way, best of luck, you will do fantastic as you already have the right attitude!
