Need Yummy Dessert



  • change30
    change30 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you MyJourney for the birthday graphic, I'm still new to this whole site of threads and so forth, I appreciate your advice and I wish you a happy early birthday!!!!
  • change30
    change30 Posts: 22 Member
    WOW Thank you All for the Wonderful Advice, Recipes and Birthday Wishes. I Truly Appreciate them!!!!! I hope everyone had a Happy 4th!!!! & Thank You ALL again!!!!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Birthday Cake has no calories. Enjoy it.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Hope you enjoyed your birthday AND CAKE!!!
  • change30
    change30 Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, so my Birthday is long over with and I would have gotten on here sooner but still new to this website threads etc plus busy summer....Just wanted to let you ALL KNOW, I had a very small piece of cake with a side of fresh strawberries my birthday was a BLAST!!! I want to Thank EACH of you for the kind comments. You all are GREAT!!!!
  • Tjensen27
    Tjensen27 Posts: 3 Member
    Here is a healthy alternative.

    Butterfinger Protein Shake:

    1/2 Cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
    1/2 Cup of Water
    1 Tbsp. Sugar-Free/Fat-Free Butterscotch Jell-O Pudding Mix (Dry)
    1 Tbsp. Sugar-Free/Fat-Free Chocolate Jell-O Pudding Mix (Dry)
    1 Tbsp. All-Natural Peanut Butter
    1/8 tsp. Xanthan Gum
    1 Scoop of Protein Powder
    1-1.5 Cups of Ice

    Blend all together and enjoy!!!

    The whole thing is only 295 Calories that's because the protein powder I use is 117 Calories and the whole thing tastes WONDERFUL!!!!