Having a hard time balancing my appetite and daily limits!

This is my first time dieting like this.
I know that I am not doing something right, but I am more worried about not going over my daily limit more than anything. I NEED to lose this weight by any means, however, by watching what I consume I have found that I've been severely limiting my intake which has in turn restricted how much I am able to eat.

More times than not, I'm am almost always on the verge of caving in and starting a binge. But I haven't...yet. I take an appetite suppressant to help me curb my appetite, but I am almost always hungry during the day regardless. I'm hungry now.
At this point, I've successfully learned not to compulsively eat and have disciplined myself well in that area, but now I'm starving myself. I don't get it. I've also been watching my food choices as well.

However, I love fruits and yogurts (ESPECIALLY YOGURT! It's Lowfat, btw) and it is something that I prefer to snack on all the time, but with the carbs and sugar limit that I have, I always go over!!! This is frustrating, is there something that I can do? I don't even know if I've typed this is a way that is easily understood. *sigh*


  • CS4200
    CS4200 Posts: 3
    I'm having the same thing. My job also gives me access to a lot of easy, yet not great-for-me options which has been hard work. I recently discovered the joys of microwave popcorn - half a bag is about 200-ish calories, but its really quite filling, WAY more than a couple of carrots but not nearly as high in calories as potato chips. Its pretty good for staving off the hunger pains. I use it as my 'binge food' after dinner sometimes. I also put roast pumpkin or sweet potato in my salads, fleshes them out without making me worry about my limits. A good salad is baby spinach leaves with roast pumpkin, a little quinoa and balsamic vingerette. Better than it sounds and satisfying due to the bulk of the pumpkin and quinoa. You can throw a little feta in there too, get it going. Best thing to remember is that the less you eat over a while, the less you will need to eat. It takes your body a while to adjust but when it does you notice you're not nearly as hungry.
  • celestelovesmoney
    Thanks for that!!!
    It's extremely encouraging to realize that the less you eat the less you will need to eat because I've been doing just that and I'm slowly but surely getting used to it. When I don't deprive myself, I'm really good. Lately, I've just had poor options presented to me so I don't have much to choose from and I don't want to over do it.
  • michlama
    michlama Posts: 7
    Truthfully eating raw veggies is ridiculously filling. More than you would think. Try having a cucumber, 2 carrots, a salad with vinegar and some almonds. Low cal but a ton of satisfying crunch.