Hello awesome community! I'm new to MFP.

Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
I have been so inspired reading about success stories, healthy lifestyle changes, and the support of an awesome online community! I have 52 lbs to lose, and I know I can do it with positivity and support. Started my food diary--next step is to increase my activity level. I was once lean, fit, confident--a fearless woman with an excellent BMI and a love for fitness. After a family tragedy affected my boyfriend of many years in such profound ways that I had to end the relationship, depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and self-pity lead me to overeating, skipping workouts, sleeping too much, and smoking cigarettes. The stress and self-loathing kicked in when I stopped exercising completely and turned to my family physician for pharmaceutical help. But I refuse to continue down this path of being overweight. I am cycling off these exhausting, motivation-killing medications, planning a quit date to kick the smokes, and taking nutritional supplements to give me a healthy boost. I am taking control of my health and my life! It will be a long road to wellness, but I'm ready. Will provide support when I can and would very much appreciate all the support any of you can offer. Thanks! :)