Starting over

Hi I'm danielle. My friend and I decided to start our weight loss journey over again. We are looking for some tips on how to stay motivated to exercise , how to stop cravings or to ignore them, and how to avoid pop. We both work 40 to 60 hours a week on a midnight shift. Going to work before work doesn't fit into our schedule so we try to in the morning but we lose motivation and we drink tons of pop to keep ourselves awake. I found my fit bit helps motivate me so if anyone wants to be friends feel free to add me at


  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Danielle and congrats on your re-start, that's awesome! Pop.... one can contains 200% of your daily needs for sugar.... and it's the wrong kind of sugar. White sugar is poison that raises your blood/insulin levels and really messes with most of your internal organs. The energy it seems to give is false. Same goes for juice, most are garbage! Eat fruit if you need a spike, at least you'll get some benefit out of it. As for motivation, it has to come from you. You have to make the decision to be dedicated and stick to it no matter what. You're female so we know you have willpower like iron... talk to yourself and every time you feel 'too tired' push even harder. After a week or two you'll suddenly realize you have more energy.... give yourself time to get used to it. Allow weekends as your break time (have to have some rest), but stick to it, it has to come from you with the support of your friend, or the good people on this site. If she drops out, keep going. Remind yourself what you want and that its going to be hard but SO worth the struggle. You CAN do this! Much luck :)