Hello, New to fitnesspal, let's do this..

JackieMonstra Posts: 11 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I'm Jackie, trying to lose 18 more pounds and getting in the best shape of my life with Herbalife♡ I need friends to join and share each journey with one another. Add me if you'd like, I'm in for challenges☆


  • Hjaye7512
    Hjaye7512 Posts: 116 Member
  • JackieMonstra
    JackieMonstra Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you tons, just trying to get more motivated ;)
  • Oversyte
    Oversyte Posts: 482 Member
    You can do it!
  • JackieMonstra
    JackieMonstra Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much, I know I can! :#
  • alaskanrose254
    alaskanrose254 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Sharron. I feel motivated to do the work to change my lifestyle and bad eating habits. I finally started losing weight; my all time highest is 244 lbs. I found this app online and decided to go for the premium access. I love this app because now I'm counting calories, but having a hard time with the carbs which make up over 50% of my current diet. This App makes me feel more responsible to eat the right things. I like the phone app that allows us to scan in the bar code of most foods before eating them on the go. It's nice to see how it affects the nutrition macros on the IPad. I gained over 100 lbs this year so I know it's going to take me a while to get back down to my original weight. My doctor is worried I'm going to hit 300 lbs this year. I just started to see the nutritionist on twice a month who challenged me to lower my carb intake but i'm having a hard time seeing what makes up a carb. I started eating gluten free bread; however i don't eat bread that often. I lowered the half n half in my coffee; down to 4 tbsp creamer with only 2 tsp of sugar in the coffee. I don't drink carbonated drinks haven't in a while. I drink a whole bunch of water but the scale didn't budge I know my weight gain has to be coming from the coffee i drink. Since I started with the lifestyle change last month i've lost 6 lbs and since i got this app, i've lost 2 lbs. I can't wait to see how this app will assist me in losing weight while charting it.
  • JackieMonstra
    JackieMonstra Posts: 11 Member
    Don't give up and keep yourself going, only you can do it. Lets not hit the 300 Let,s hit the 200 down! Congratulations on those pounds you lost,you go girl! B)