Doing It in the morning!



  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I work from home so I wait and work out in the afternoons. My mornings are pretty hectic. I usually try to do it around the same time. I walk on the treadmill anywhere from 20-40 minutes. I don't work out a lot. Just every other day.
  • lizlemon4
    lizlemon4 Posts: 36 Member
    My work schedule is all over the clock so one day my workout is at 1030pm, the next day it might be at 8am. To me it doesn't really matter as long as you do your workout. As Leslie Sansone says " the best time to workout is the time your doing it!"
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    lizlemon4 wrote: »
    My work schedule is all over the clock so one day my workout is at 1030pm, the next day it might be at 8am. To me it doesn't really matter as long as you do your workout. As Leslie Sansone says " the best time to workout is the time your doing it!"

    This. I'd love to be a morning workout person, but it doesn't work for me very often. So I do what I can!
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I do it in the morning to earn my coffee / breakfast / whatever.

    I do it in the evening when I want to kill everyone I work with. It's all good!
  • dme0611
    dme0611 Posts: 12 Member
    I go to bed at a reasonable hour, 8:30 / 9:30. Alarm set for 4:30. I usually have to have a little talk in my head "Get yo fat *kitten* up" but by 5 am I am out the front door doing 2 miles around the neighborhood. (I'm not a gym person) It's way too hot in Florida to work out in the afternoons, plus after work I already have it done! Just get up and knock it out.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    Exercise that is.
    What is your routine and what works for you?
    I am not a morning person but realisticly I know that I would be more energetic than I would after work to get in a good workout. .
    I keep hitting the snooze button. Any tips and what has worked for you?

    The title was very misleading. :D I clicked to come here to see something verrry different. Ha Ha Ha!

    I'm not a morning exerciser and do it in the afternoons. But I do drink water soon after I wake up. It tends to help me start my day out better.