worked for my friend, but i lost less weight in a month!

I have a friend who lost 50lbs on nutrisystem. I am in my 6th week and have lost 5lbs she lost 10 lbs the first month! I thought about doing nutrisystem, but its really really pricey its almost 600 for 8 weeks of food and plus a .99 cancellation free if i decide i dont want it... What are your thoughts on that, i eat healthy i work out for 1 hour every day. Why is my weight loss slower?


  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Because everyone's body (calorie requirement) is different.

    Count calories using this website - it's free and you learn how to manage your weight without paying someone to work it out for you.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Don't compare your weight loss to the weight loss of others. They are not you. Your body and day-to-day experiences are different.

    If you want pre-portioned meals without being tied into a system, you might consider frozen meals. I like Lean Cuisine. Just pay attention to the sodium content if that's an issue for you.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    If you are a different height, different starting weight, don't have the exact same muscle composition, don't fidget in the same ways, etc etc can't really compare weight loss that way.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    I have a friend who lost 50lbs on nutrisystem. I am in my 6th week and have lost 5lbs she lost 10 lbs the first month! I thought about doing nutrisystem, but its really really pricey its almost 600 for 8 weeks of food and plus a .99 cancellation free if i decide i dont want it... What are your thoughts on that, i eat healthy i work out for 1 hour every day. Why is my weight loss slower?

    Because you are not her.
    Learn how to cook and eat on your own- that is what you will need for longterm success anyway.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You are not your friend. You're you. You are different.

    You could just eat at a calorie deficit and have the same results without paying all that money for nasty pre-packaged food. At least the photos of their food I've seen look horrifying - maybe it tastes better than it looks?
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Metabolism maybe. I use Nutrisystem food (more from simplicity than anything else) and add other food using the MFP program. The Nutrisystem program gives 1200 calories and does not account for calories earned like MFP does so the weight won't come off as fast. The upside is, taking off weight slowly is more likely to ensure permanent weight loss without the health detriment such as malnutrition and muscle wasting.

    I don't know if this is peer-reviewed but it is a good article to read:
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    I think nutrisystem can work because it puts you in a calorie deficit and that is what you need to lose weight. I don't really think it is a good idea though. I think it is too expensive and if you ever stop buying their food and prepare your own meals you will have to figure out how much you can eat so you might as well do it now. Plus if you are on nutrisystem how do you handle eating out occasionally or dining with family and friends. I'm not going to only eat prepackaged meals for the rest of my life, so I think I'll stick with weighing and measuring everything when I prepare food at home and making my best educated guess when I eat out or with family. So far that is working for me.
  • Slowfaster
    Slowfaster Posts: 186 Member
    I don't agree with most of the '6 advantages to slow weight loss' in the article. I think we lose a certain amount of muscle mass in any weight loss plan, most of us gain the weight back whether we've lost it slowly or not, there's lots of dispute about whether dieting causes the metabolism to slow down or not, and whether our skin gets loose or not depends on lots of things like how overweight we were to start with, our age, and the genetic elasticity of our skin.

    But one thing I do know -- the longer I'm on my diet the longer it is before I start to regain. So I'm all for slow weight loss for that reason. The fact is, when I'm on a diet, I look better overall, feel more positive and more in control and I have something to celebrate each time I get on the scale and something good to look forward to as I anticipate reaching my goal. Yay diet!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I think nutrisystem can work because it puts you in a calorie deficit and that is what you need to lose weight. I don't really think it is a good idea though. I think it is too expensive and if you ever stop buying their food and prepare your own meals you will have to figure out how much you can eat so you might as well do it now. Plus if you are on nutrisystem how do you handle eating out occasionally or dining with family and friends. I'm not going to only eat prepackaged meals for the rest of my life, so I think I'll stick with weighing and measuring everything when I prepare food at home and making my best educated guess when I eat out or with family. So far that is working for me.

    Agree with all the bolded. What happens after nutrisystem?

    Sustainable weight loss is a lifestyle change. Lose the same way you plan to maintain for the rest of your life.
  • lc355
    lc355 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a friend...

    Don't try to be your friend. Be the best you that you can be <3
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I have a friend who lost 50lbs on nutrisystem. I am in my 6th week and have lost 5lbs she lost 10 lbs the first month! I thought about doing nutrisystem, but its really really pricey its almost 600 for 8 weeks of food and plus a .99 cancellation free if i decide i dont want it... What are your thoughts on that, i eat healthy i work out for 1 hour every day. Why is my weight loss slower?

    If you want to lose weight at a faster rate you just lower your calorie goal more or burn more. You can do that for free on your own.
    However, losing more than 1 lb a week is too aggressive unless you are more than 50 lbs overweight. Losing about 1 lb a week is a good healthy loss. I recommend sticking with what you are doing and stop comparing to others.