feeling a bit - meh. Need out of a funk

Im still going to gym every night but I starting to feel bit lost and drained - thinking here I am yet another night here, go home and have a shower and early to bed as wrecked.

How do others get out of a funk? I just feel like constant pluggin away at the moment and almost like losing a bit of myself as all i do is gym every night

I know its only temp feeling but rather get out of this sooner than later.

Hope Im not alone in this happening?


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Lift heavier, if your not lifting then start. Push through. The only person that is affected by you being lazy is you. So keep going. Change up what you are doing, but keep going.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    You're not alone for sure! The whole weight loss/working out journey can get very tedious at times. This may seem kind of silly, but I like watching the workout informercials to keep me going. Like Turbo Fire and Insanity. Watching other people sweat and get great results through hard work gets me pumped up again. I like looking at pretty swimsuits and lingerie to remind myself what I want. It, of course, goes beyond vanity. I want to get healthy and feel happier (which I do when I workout). But a little bit of superficial motivation helps pull me out of my funks.
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    You're not alone for sure! The whole weight loss/working out journey can get very tedious at times. This may seem kind of silly, but I like watching the workout informercials to keep me going. Like Turbo Fire and Insanity. Watching other people sweat and get great results through hard work gets me pumped up again. I like looking at pretty swimsuits and lingerie to remind myself what I want. It, of course, goes beyond vanity. I want to get healthy and feel happier (which I do when I workout). But a little bit of superficial motivation helps pull me out of my funks.

    Good idea!! Im using being bridesmaid next year twice as motivation but thats next year. Just realised engagmenet party for one of the weddings is 5 weeks so got that to keep me through the summer to aim. Smaller goals better i think.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    I'm in a funk too but I've been sticking to my good food choices and staying under my calories but I haven't exercised in almost a week which makes me feel so blah about myself. I've just been so tired. I work overnight and I'm exhausted when I get home so I plan on working out or walking when I get up and then I've been sleeping ALL day.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I'm exactly where you are right now too. Maybe its the time of year? Its too nice to be stuck in the gym. Plus for me, its been too hot in my house to run on the treadmill or workout (I don't go to the gym I do it all at home) not to mention how much I don't want to be cooking in this heat. so I've been falling way behind on my workouts and eating a lot of convienence foods, frozen dinners, packaged stuff, even the dreaded fast food. I'm attempting to get back on track now, so if you need a friend whose in the same boat, feel free to add me. :)
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    I'm exactly where you are right now too. Maybe its the time of year? Its too nice to be stuck in the gym. Plus for me, its been too hot in my house to run on the treadmill or workout (I don't go to the gym I do it all at home) not to mention how much I don't want to be cooking in this heat. so I've been falling way behind on my workouts and eating a lot of convienence foods, frozen dinners, packaged stuff, even the dreaded fast food. I'm attempting to get back on track now, so if you need a friend whose in the same boat, feel free to add me. :)

    Yea my gym has poor air conditioning also so trying to work out in warm heat is rubbish. Im not being lazy - Im still doing over an hour exercise and 500-600 cals burned off a night but 2 weeks ago I was a girl who enjooyed it and talked about it. Now im like oh i have to do that tonight. Meh! lol
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    I'm exactly where you are right now too. Maybe its the time of year? Its too nice to be stuck in the gym. Plus for me, its been too hot in my house to run on the treadmill or workout (I don't go to the gym I do it all at home) not to mention how much I don't want to be cooking in this heat. so I've been falling way behind on my workouts and eating a lot of convienence foods, frozen dinners, packaged stuff, even the dreaded fast food. I'm attempting to get back on track now, so if you need a friend whose in the same boat, feel free to add me. :)

    Yea my gym has poor air conditioning also so trying to work out in warm heat is rubbish. Im not being lazy - Im still doing over an hour exercise and 500-600 cals burned off a night but 2 weeks ago I was a girl who enjooyed it and talked about it. Now im like oh i have to do that tonight. Meh! lol
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    maybe you just need a few rest days? and then get back at it full of vigour again :-D

    I actually never get funk days, but I'm a bit hyper with loads of energy just needing to be burned LOL

    Sometimes you just have to listen to your body, give it a time out and then you'll feel more up to getting up and at em again :)

    oh and for you gals fed up with the gym, get outdoors, its summer :-D its time to enjoy the fresh air and you'll be uplifted just by getting outside and movin', go for long walks, take a jog...get on a bike...do something and just mix up those routines to stop any boredom :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    lift heavy.

    Follow a program like Stronglifts, it only takes 30-45 minutes and it's every OTHER day, so you will have days when you DON'T go to the gym where you can do things with your friends and family this summer. Besides, lifting heavy for half an hour every other day is way better for your body in the long run than an hour of cardio daily...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    ''My mother died''
    Lift heavy
    ''I caught bubonic plague''
    Try lifting heavier.

    I'm a fan of heavy lifting but it's not the cure for everything.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    when was the last time you had a week off?
  • kellyclarkson1990
    kellyclarkson1990 Posts: 22 Member
    have you thought about mixing it up a little?

    How about going swimming once a week or doing a exercise dvd at home? ( I do the 30 day shred and its only a 30 min workout and you can do three levels )

    Also take a night or two a week off and just relax. Have some me time.

    Hope something like that would help?
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Are you taking a day off?

    Are you eating enough?

    Are you drinking enough water?

    Are you sleeping enough?

    Are you warming up before and stretching?
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Are you taking a day off? Yes

    Are you eating enough? Yes 1400 cals a day

    Are you drinking enough water? Yes 2 litres before gym and over a litre during and after the gym

    Are you sleeping enough? Yes

    Are you warming up before and stretching?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Are you eating enough? Yes 1400 cals a day

    net or gross?
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Are you taking a day off? Yes

    Are you eating enough? Yes 1400 cals a day

    Are you drinking enough water? Yes 2 litres before gym and over a litre during and after the gym

    Are you sleeping enough? Yes

    Are you warming up before and stretching?

    1400 in total? Totally under eating, I eat 1600+ when working out and lose.

    Enough sleep means minimum 7 hours!