Shop bought lunch...



  • JollySnidge
    JollySnidge Posts: 18 Member
    I have exactly the same problem finding low cal stuff that keeps me full. I have a desk job, so it's tempting to snack out of boredom. I have either a Danio yogurt with an apple, which is surprisingly filling, or ready to eat chicken skewers and an apple - that or a little sushi box.

    Watch out for salt in premade sandwiches and salads though, some of the regulars are quite high in salt. At least with sushi you can leave off the soy sauce.
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    Holland and barrett PROTOPURE DIET BAR is the best, 182 calories, low sugar, full nutrient spectrum and has fibre in it too. 20g of protein. cant go wrong with that, a sugar free drink or a well women drink, and a bit of fruit ;) Currently on sale too
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    It's been a while since I lived in the UK, but I remember M&S had great sandwiches, and the Boots shapers line had a pretty good range. I'm sure either one of those would have calorie counts on their 'diet' items, as they did back in the mid-90's. I'm sure any prepackaged sushi is going to come in at a very low calorie count, too.
  • Maree_
    Maree_ Posts: 65
    Great topic, i work part time have 2 kids etc i don't always get time to do my lunch. Tesco do a hoisin or sweet chilli noodle salad that is delish. I also like their sushi and the prepped fruits.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    My go-to lunches at work are:

    * John West lunches (in the tinned fish aisle) - tuna or salmon varieties with things like pasta, bulgar wheat etc. Look a bit soggy but they are long life at and around 300 calories a tin so you can stock up and keep in your desk at work without refridgerating.
    * Oatso porridge pots (or supermarket own brand versions). Around 200 calories a pot - just add hot water and you're good to go.
    * Bag of salad and a pack of ready-cooked meat (from chicken tikka to good old-fashioned ham) - quick and easy.
    * Ryvita with a pot of cottage cheese - again, quick and easy.
    * Innocent Veg Pots - expensive but a good way to get in some veg. Keep an eye out for when they are on offer.
    * Covent Garden fresh soup (or supermarket own brand) - when on offer I stack up in the fridge at work. Five mins in the microwave and you are good to go. My faves are the summer pea with creme fraiche, minestrone, haddock chowder and leek and potato. Check the cals though as some are more than others (most 200-300 cals for an entire carton).

    For snacks, again, long life ones are good for keeping at work. Lots mentioned above already, but I also have:

    * Bag of Twiglets (99 calories)
    * Bags of nuts, seeds and dried fruit (weigh into 100 cal portions at home and put in little freezer bags)
    * Meringue nests (Sainsburys are 56 cals each) - eat like a biscuit or top with strawberries.
  • kbcara
    kbcara Posts: 105 Member
    Mmm, Twiglets is a good one - yummy - don't often see mini packs though? Will keep my eyes peeled!

    Well worth pointing out whilst 'judging' supermarkets that I am in mini/local versions and I tend to hit 'lunch area' and nearby aisles before escaping, so when I say Boot's Shapers is limited, mine is a small store and only has two fridges!

    So today Morrisons failed (and this is a main spmkt) ...Tesco's failed in that maybe has same Sushi but I think salad's look unappetising [soggy] and no real inspiration like at M&S and Waitrose ..... I also try to avoid sandwiches - find pre-packed SW soggy/bland.

    Still discovered a Fro-Yo so had low fat frozen yoghurt with fresh fruit ... will try to move onto non-supermarket options this week...

    But when in doubt M&S and Waitrose all the way [budget allowing].
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    You can buy multi-packs of Twiglets from all the major supermarkets. I always find crisp multi-pack packets a bit disappointingly small, but it's a good thing for watching those calories!

    Also worth noting that a lot of the 'diet' ranges of snacks are not actually lower in calories but just smaller packets. I'd rather have a small packet of Walkers than a pack of the cardboard-like diet crisps ;)