Weird Reaction to Wanting to be Fit??.....



  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    Some many things to quote here...

    If you really do take this as a lifestyle change then she won't be able to ignore the fact that it has worked for you, you have maintained it and she was wrong...

    But like you already know this will take some time, so until then just smile at her as your muscles are sore and your body aches from intense workouts... then when she is jealous when you are at the apartment pool tell her its all those weights that you lift that DONT make you strong :smiley:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    TGraceS wrote: »
    So, today I switched gyms. I have been working out at Planet Fitness but I am wanting to get more into lifting and wanting more than just a big cardio room and some machines. I am really happy with the gym that I chose (UFC) and was telling my roommate about it and I got a really weird reaction from her. Basically, my goal is to be strong, but I am vain and want to see my abs. She goes "but the problem is you can't maintain that" and I'm just like... what? I mean, I know the body changes so rapidly and I won't see abs forever but I just want to see them ONCE! And to be strong... Maybe I will be a powerlifter someday, who knows! I just want to be strong. And then she goes on to say that "lifting weights doesn't make you strong" but could not explain how that could possibly make sense.

    It made me feel really dismissed. Like, I know I have a lot of work to do before I get to that point, but I couldn't BELIEVE that was what she had to say. It's like she doesn't want me to be fit and healthy.

    Good thing I'm the kind of person who likes to prove people wrong :)

    Your roommate is an idiot. Do your thing, get strong, and then rub it in her face later. :smile: The jealousy dynamic between women is so stupid. Don't worry about it.
  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Jealousy can make people behave in strange, mean spirited ways..... let it roll and get to the gym! :) Her problem, not yours!
  • Mirasaki
    Mirasaki Posts: 27 Member
    Your roommate doesn't seem to know what shes talking about, and since she can't do it she's telling you that you can't do it.

    You should absolutely go for it and just do with your body what you want to do. Whenever I mention about doing new fitness things to my family they always say that I can't do it or that I'll hurt myself, but I do it anyway because I know that I can and I'm not going to limit myself anymore and just have a lazy attitude of "I can't do anything therefore why try, I'll never succeed".

    Go out there and show everyone that you can do it no matter what they want to project on to you :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have some friends who really aren't into fitness and I don't really discuss fitness with them...and if they happen to say something to me about pretty much anything fitness related I just nod and smile and ignore them because they generally don't know what the hell they're talking about and I do. Fortunately, many of my friends are fitness junkies.
  • benjaminhk
    benjaminhk Posts: 353 Member
    I've learned to never run ideas or goals by the people that are supposed to be the most supportive in life. Even if they aren't working against me, I know it has a negative impact on me if they don't share my excitement. That part is my flaw. I shouldn't be so dependent on others for emotional support, if that is what it is.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Ignore her and her reactions and opinions.
    Unfortunately it's very common for ppl to be unsupportive of new goals!
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    It sounds to me like she "tried" it some time ago, FAILED, and now wants to make sure you don't "make the same mistake".
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Great, now you have even more motivation! Get it girl!
  • JUknowPK
    JUknowPK Posts: 482 Member
    I'd get a new roommate, no need to negativity, we have enough in our own minds.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Jealousy plain and simple. Ignore & move on...
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    Spite can be a potent motivator. Go get your abs, then walk by her quietly and often with a bare midriff.
  • TGraceS
    TGraceS Posts: 23 Member
    Mike02209 wrote: »
    Spite can be a potent motivator. Go get your abs, then walk by her quietly and often with a bare midriff.

    Oh yeah... I'll be heavily invested in the crop top industry at that time :wink:
  • geeta81
    geeta81 Posts: 36 Member
    TGraceS wrote: »
    So, today I switched gyms. I have been working out at Planet Fitness but I am wanting to get more into lifting and wanting more than just a big cardio room and some machines. I am really happy with the gym that I chose (UFC) and was telling my roommate about it and I got a really weird reaction from her. Basically, my goal is to be strong, but I am vain and want to see my abs. She goes "but the problem is you can't maintain that" and I'm just like... what? I mean, I know the body changes so rapidly and I won't see abs forever but I just want to see them ONCE! And to be strong... Maybe I will be a powerlifter someday, who knows! I just want to be strong. And then she goes on to say that "lifting weights doesn't make you strong" but could not explain how that could possibly make sense.

    It made me feel really dismissed. Like, I know I have a lot of work to do before I get to that point, but I couldn't BELIEVE that was what she had to say. It's like she doesn't want me to be fit and healthy.

    Good thing I'm the kind of person who likes to prove people wrong :)

    Hey. I had a similar thing happen to me.
    My best friend and I have been on many diets before trying to lose weight one way or another.
    We both started this calorie counting one, but now shes lost motivation and I am determined to lose weight no matter what.
    As she's my best friend I thought she would be happy that I occasionally mention my weight loss but now she says i have become obsessed, I'm like WTF!?!
    I think she's either jealous that I've lost 13lb up to now or she's being selfish coz the attention isn't about her.