Fabulous 40's and looking to lose???? Come out come out wherever you are

cambteach Posts: 5 Member
I'm in my 40's and looking for friends.
I'm 5'1 and looking to lose 2 and a half stone. Started on my journey three days ago. Sick of the constant self loathing and black clothes every day. My husband put it so simply... 'Then do something about it then'.... so here I am!
Anyone else?
Lets smash this :smiley:


  • plunky58
    plunky58 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I am with you! I am in my mid 50's and like you, tired of the baggy, dark and frumpy clothing. I am looking to lose 50 lbs. (3 and a half stone) So I am walking in the morning, walking on my lunch break and try to gym it at least 3 days a week for the treadmill and bike. This is going to be a very long, vey tiring and yet very rewarding journey.

  • cambteach
    cambteach Posts: 5 Member
    Good on ya Plunky. I was looking through my clothes the other day. All black...... my 'slim' clothes are hidden away and with summer around the corner I want to put on those colourful vest tops and feel fab. I have a significant knee issue which means exercise is almost impossible so am relying on food changes alone.
    I am horribly aware how weight loss slows down with age but I can either carry on overdosing on Pom Bears and feel depressed or I can face it.
  • rperepolkin
    rperepolkin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 and I somehow wound up being 30 pounds heavier then when I was 9 months pregnant?! I hate it, trying to make a change. After only 3 days on here I realized how much I eat! I love cooking and I love food, ugh. I'd love a couple buddies to keep me on track.
  • cambteach
    cambteach Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 and I somehow wound up being 30 pounds heavier then when I was 9 months pregnant?! I hate it, trying to make a change. After only 3 days on here I realized how much I eat! I love cooking and I love food, ugh. I'd love a couple buddies to keep me on track.

    I'm also heavier now than when I had just had my twin girls. It just creeps up doesn't it. This is the heaviest Ive been in my whole life. Spent most of my years at 8 and a half stone and that is where I need to get back to.
    I also love food but am trying to make changes. This week I have been having meal replacement drinks for breakfast and lunch and I feel ok. Aim to reduce that to just breakfast once I have hopefully kick started weight loss. Just had grilled garlic mushrooms and tomatoes on toast which was yummy.
  • Hjaye7512
    Hjaye7512 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 40 and just started a few days ago...
  • cambteach
    cambteach Posts: 5 Member
    Hjaye7512 wrote: »
    I'm 40 and just started a few days ago...

    Well done Hjaye. Do you have much to lose?

  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I will be 40 this year. Something special about years ending in "6". ;) I was at normal bmi in '06 and put on 26 lbs + in 10 years.

    I'll lose them all plus 5, 10 more for buffer zone by summer.

    The key is think it easy. :)
  • cambteach
    cambteach Posts: 5 Member
    Am sat here feeling really hungry and this is usually the danger time for me..... evening munchies
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    cambteach wrote: »
    Am sat here feeling really hungry and this is usually the danger time for me..... evening munchies

    I consider time like that as "moment of truth"! The moment that tests my mettle. The moment that leads me to success or failure. hehe.

    Best of luck to you.

  • Facetious76
    Facetious76 Posts: 41 Member
    I turn 40 in about 2.5 months. I'm on here every day and my diary is open. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • cgoldbronn
    cgoldbronn Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in a similar boat, 43, and 20lbs heavier than I want so I too started doing something- tracking all my food while staying between 1200 - 1350 calories a day, I've added walking 30 minutes for 3 days. I needed a change & to hold myself accountable that is why I started joining community groups and adding friends to the app. I'll need inspiration & encouragement and in return do the same.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    This thread might be something you want to check out: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/433277/40-club-where-the-cool-kids-are/p1

    All the best with your journey! :)
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    cambteach wrote: »
    I'm in my 40's and looking for friends.
    I'm 5'1 and looking to lose 2 and a half stone. Started on my journey three days ago. Sick of the constant self loathing and black clothes every day. My husband put it so simply... 'Then do something about it then'.... so here I am!
    Anyone else?
    Lets smash this :smiley:

    Same here. 47 yr old, 4'11" and was at 150 at my highest. I'm down to 130. I am tired of the black yoga pants and over-sized t-shirts to hide my butt. :D Still wearing em though. I don't feel comfortable enough in anything yet. Denim especially.
  • g8britten
    g8britten Posts: 36 Member
    Hi i'm 44 and was 16stone and now after 67 days of using MFP i now weigh 14 stones. you can add me if you want
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    43 here, 5'5. My starting weight was 86.3kgs/13.6 stone/190lbs... I'm looking to get down to about 63kg. I started my journey in October 2014 and went up and down (lost my motivation at times and gained weight), all up losing 14 kgs (2.2 stone/30lbs). I recently started gym training with a personal trainer (killer workouts but I feel great). You can do it!!!! I'm back on track now for 7 weeks.

    The hardest thing for me has been accepting the weight fluctuations (especially when you are doing everything right and the scale won't budge, it will eventually budge) and accepting that one bad day does not mean I have to give in and give up, I can easily forgive myself now and move on! It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. If I 'have' to overeat, then I try to make maintenance. I know going over one day won't make me put on much weight at all (7000 calories for 1kg) so I can easily move on :) I hope some of this advice helps.
  • andriacheever
    andriacheever Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 45 and about 65 lbs overweight. It's been an up and down battle for me for all my years, but I'm determined to stick it out and win! Would love to join the group of 40's that are doing this journey together :)
  • arnegetsfit2016
    arnegetsfit2016 Posts: 10 Member
    42 here and 8 kilo to go! :-)
  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    Hey there Plunky58 :smile:

    You said: Hello! I am with you! I am in my mid 50's and like you, tired of the baggy, dark and frumpy clothing. I am looking to lose 50 lbs. (3 and a half stone) So I am walking in the morning, walking on my lunch break and try to gym it at least 3 days a week for the treadmill and bike. This is going to be a very long, vey tiring and yet very rewarding journey.


    You are exactly where I was a year ago. You really do "got this". I was 50 pounds overweight at 5'3" (173 pounds starting weight) and had just turned 52 shortly beforehand. I didn't know I had that much to lose, but I did. My plan, in addition to eating at a deficit, was exactly what yours is today (but also added in weights along the way for toning at the same time). I am very happy to report to you that by the end of September 2015 I was down 45 pounds and now have lost another 5 since then and feel I am at an ideal weight for me (123 pounds). I am excited for you to get where I am today because if you keep at this everyday (and yes, its never exactly perfect, this journey, but no big deal, just jump back on the wagon) you will be there by the end of this year. Enjoy the ride a little if you can. Love your body because you are going to see that it is right on the same page with you and you should thank it all the time :wink:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    47 and needing to re-lose 10 lb I gained during several months when I did not have access to a gym. It was a very complicated move. Now, we have a new home gym, and are back at it. I am very unhappy when I look in the mirror right now. I'm only 5 foot 3, and 10 lb piled up around my middle makes a big difference!
  • leannedf
    leannedf Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I am 41 and am so unhappy with my weight - want to feel better in summer, look better, dress better and instead of dreading days out I want to look forward to it and getting a nice outfit. Feeling ready to start !!!!